
In: Nursing

write a 3 paragraph essay on protecting patient privacy

write a 3 paragraph essay on protecting patient privacy


Expert Solution

Protecting the patient's privacy is very important as there is a set of rules to assess the information that is shared between the patient and the doctor. There is a rule which should be maintained by the practitioner about the patient's privacy about his health condition, except in some cases where it becomes important for the practitioner to reveal the truth about the patient's condition if asked by the greater authority, like the court, or if the patient's condition can be harmful for the society in the future for example if patient is suffering from infectious disease.

By the law rhe patient's documents should be kept private and safe by the doctors or hospital staffs in the hospital. If the patient is willing to go to the new doctor then the patient can choose whether to share the previous documents with the new doctor or not. So patient have a legal right to access his medical records with the new doctors if he is willing to do. Patient is allowed to share his health records to the non-healthcare provider . But it should be kept in mind that non- health care provider are not bounded to the confidentiality rule.

If you are parent or guardian then you have the right for the access of the health information about your child, if the child is less than 18years old.

If the patient find any breach in their privacy than the patient can directly ask to the doctor and then the hospital in which the doctor works and can file the complaint formally.

There are many acts which had been introduced regarding the privacy of the patient in many different countries of the world,for example in US there is act called HIPAA(Health insurance portability and accounting act) established in 1996. Yet there are many controversies going regarding the privacy of the patient.

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