
In: Biology

What are the similarities and differences between Mendelian and non-Mendelian inheritance? I'm very confused by what...

What are the similarities and differences between Mendelian and non-Mendelian inheritance? I'm very confused by what im reading online and wanted to know the most significant details that distinguish/relate the two.


Expert Solution

ANSWER :- Differences between Mendelian and Non-Mendelian inheritance

Mendelian Inheritance :- Mendalian inheritance is a type of inheritance or transmission of characters in which the genes and their alternative forms I.e., alleles are transferred or passed from parents to offsprings by means of only two types of allele, either dominant or recessive, so the respective alleles either show its contrasting character or may not. In this the observable characters or phenotypic expressions can be pre-determined theoretically. Only two types of alleles either dominant or recessive are involved. The example of Mendelian inheritances are the phenotypic traits in Mendelian pea plant that are understand by dominant and recessive alleles.

Non-Mendelian inheritance :- This type of inheritance do not follow the Mendelian inheritance which means that the transmission of characters is not by only two type of alleles, rather more than two genes (polygenes) or more than two alleles (multiple alleles) . Here two two alleles neither be dominant nor be recessive. The observable characters or phenotypic expression are differ from theoretical proportional or ratios. The example of Non-Mendelian inheritance is blood group of human beings. The blood group of human beings is controlled by the alleles A and B, that give rise to blood group A /B/AB or O blood groups.

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