In: Mechanical Engineering
According to test data, a new type of engine takes in streams of water at 200 °C, 3 bar and 100 °C, 3 bar. The inlet ratio of the mass flow rate of the higher temperature stream to lower temperature stream is 4. A single stream exits at 3.0 bar with a mass flow rate of 5400 kg/h. There is no significant heat transfer between the engine and its surroundings, and kinetic and potential energy effects are negligible. For operation at steady state, determine the maximum theoretical rate that power can be developed, in kW.
In: Mechanical Engineering
A gas undergoes a process from state 1, where
p1 = 60 lbf/in.2,
v1 = 6.0 ft3/lb, to state 2 where
p2 = 99.6 lbf/in.2, according to
pv1.3 = constant. The relationship
between pressure, specific volume, and internal energy is
u = (0.2651)pv - 95.436
where p is in lbf/in.2, v is in
ft3/lb, and u is in Btu/lb. The mass of gas is
10 lb. Neglecting kinetic and potential energy effects, determine
the heat transfer, in Btu.
In: Mechanical Engineering
True or False
1. Ceramics often fracture below their theoretical strength due to cracks which concentrate the applied stress.
2. The interstitial diffusion coefficient for a small atom diffusing in a metal is usually larger than its diffusion coefficient via a vacancy mechanism.
3. BCC, HCP, FCC are all Bravais lattices belonging to the cubic crystal system.
4. The larger the number of slip systems available to a metal, the easier it is to deform.
5. HCP has an "abab" stacking sequence, FCC has an "abcabc" stacking sequence.
6. Dislocations move most easily in a crystal along the highest density planes along the lowest density direction.
7. There are 14 Bravais lattices, each of which belongs to one of the 7 crystal systems.
8. Elastic deformation results from the breaking and reforming of bonds.
9. Thermal expansion in crystalline materials is the result of an asymmetry in the repulsive and attractive force curves between pairs of atoms.
10.Graphite and diamond are two different phases of carbon.
In: Mechanical Engineering
Name and briefly explain different heat treatment operations carried on steels.
In: Mechanical Engineering
A regenerative gas turbine with intercooling and reheat operates at steady state (Figure Q2). Air enters the compressor at 100 kPa, 27°C with a mass flow rate of 6 kg/s. The pressure ratio across the two-stage compressor is 10. The pressure ratio across the two-stage turbine is also 10. The intercooler and reheater each operate at 300 kPa. At the inlets to the turbine stages, the temperature is 1127°C. The temperature at the inlet to the second compressor stage is 27°C. Assuming the compressors and turbines stages are reversible systems (100% efficiency). The regenerator effectiveness is 70%. Assuming that there is no pressure loss during intercooling, combustion and reheating process, and by using cold air standard assumption, sketch a T-s diagram for this regenerative Brayton-cycle and determine;
i) the thermal efficiency,
ii) the net power developed (kW),
iii) back work ratio.
In: Mechanical Engineering
In: Mechanical Engineering
Why with decreasing grain size there is decrease in impact transition temperature?
In: Mechanical Engineering
Why does diesel engine initiate 2 stage fuel injection?
What is the reason for that?
In: Mechanical Engineering
Describe the design experiments method for product and process optimization
In: Mechanical Engineering
What are the general principles of DFA? What are the steps to minimize the number of parts for an assembly?
In: Mechanical Engineering
where do atheism and christianity agree and disagree on views of the origin of the universe?
In: Mechanical Engineering
Describe 2 alternative processing approach of tool steels that enables fine and homogenous primary carbide distributions.
In: Mechanical Engineering
1. Identify and describe the four domains of Axiomatic Design
2. Why would we use Axiomatic Design or Quality Function Deployment in the design of a process and simulation model?
3. Why do we flowchart processes prior to simulation?
In: Mechanical Engineering
Explain the meaning of the following terms with respect to professional engineering practice :
a) Lump sum contract
b) Confidential disclosure
d) Continuing professional development
e) Incident reports
f) Risk assessment
g) Breach of contract
h) Common law
i) Preliminary negotiations
j) Patent
In: Mechanical Engineering