The establishment of a European credit rating agency has its own
pros and cons. The advantages includes:-
- Breaking up the monopoly of the three US based credit rating
- Bringing a fresh perspective in credit rating which reflects
the European realities and thus free from existing biases.
- European governments and businesses could use the credit rating
agencies opinion to negotiate a better deal for themselves as now
they are completely dependent on the three US agencies
- The European credit rating agency might prove to be better and
more independent appraiser of products and could remove some of the
ills of the US based agencies which failed to predict the financial
crisis and there were reports of conflict of interests.
The disadvantages are:-
- Establishment of a separate credit rating agency requires
upfront investment
- The credibility of the ratings would take some time to mature
and till that time the market will remain influenced by the US
based agencies
- There are no safeguards that the new agency would be able to
function in a more credible and independent way
- The financial markets and global economy could be confused by
the potentially divergent viewpoints of the US based agencies and
the European agency