
In: Statistics and Probability

6 different baseball players were evaluated against each other based on their number of homeruns hit...

6 different baseball players were evaluated against each other based on their number of homeruns hit in 4 different baseball fields. Each player was considered a treatment and each ball field was considered a blocking variable. (alpha = 0.01) There were 24 sample values evaluated. Is there a difference in home runs based on batters? Is there a difference in number of homeruns based on the field played at?

1. State the Null and alternative Hypothesis for the both the Treatment means H0: H1:

2. State the Null and Alternative Hypothesis for the Blocking Means: H0: H1:

3. State the Decision Rule: Use diagram – remember Fcrit &Fcalc

Treatment / Blocking

SS df MS F calc Fcrit Treatments (baseball players) 3304 5 660.8 53.11897 a Blocks (baseball fields) 251.5 3 83.83333 6.739014 b Error 186.6 15 12.44 Total 3742 23

4. Determine Fcrit for the batters and the baseball fields.

5. Based on the results, was there a difference between the batters? The ball fields? Why?


Expert Solution

1 H0: There is no significance difference in home runs based on batters
H1: There is atleat 2 batters home runs are different

H0: There is no significance difference in home runs based on field played at
H1: There is atleat 2 filed played at home runs are different

Reject H0 for treatment if Test statistic of treatment Fcalc > F critical value (i.e. 4.556)
Block :
Reject H0 for Block if Test statistic of Block Fcalc > F critical value (i.e. 6.739)

Source Sum of square df mean Square F F-critical
Treatment 3304 5 660.8 53.119 4.555614
Block 251.5 3 83.83333333 6.739 5.416965
Error 186.6 15 12.44
Total 3742.1 23


F critical value for treatment = 4.556

F critical value for block = 5.4167

5) Treatment:

Here F value > F critical value so we reject H0

Thus we conclude that There is at least 2 batters home runs are different


Here F value > F critical value so we reject H0

Thus we conclude that  there is at-least 2 filed played at home runs are different

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