
In: Nursing

Where do you want to go? Mountains? Ocean?... What do you want to see? Landscapes? Wildlife?...

Where do you want to go? Mountains? Ocean?... What do you want to see? Landscapes? Wildlife? What do you want to do? Hiking? Biking Kayaking?.. Where do you want to sleep? In a hotel in a tent?... How long do you want to stay? A day? A week?


Expert Solution

[ ] Step 1
I want to go mountain rathar than occian because it is good for health. It’s an ideal destination for disconnecting from city life, connecting with the raw beauty of nature, breathing easily the fresh and pure air, enjoying the brilliant changing light and the wonderful wide open space.

[ ] Advantage of mountain

1- Recent research has shown that living at higher altitudes reduces the risk of obesity and also a short trip to the mountain can spike weight loss.

2- It also helps lower risks of cardiovascular diseases.

3- The sun, the pure air, and the beauty of the mountain scenery inspire people to play sports like skiing, hiking and snowshoeing, which is an ideal way to burn calories.

4 - It is a great bonding time with couples family and friends. You will create a great way to laugh and form new memories.

5 - Recent studies demonstrate that spending time in nature can improve our brain function and enhances our mental functioning.

Take a trip to the Mountain. Just sit back and relax for a bit. It very benefits to health and general physical condition.

[ ] Step 2
I want to see landscape rather than wildlife.

[ ] Explanation
Lush green grass tickles our toes … flowers treat our eyes to bold, vibrant colors … and fragrant shrubs delight us with their sweet perfumes. It’s easy to appreciate the sights and smells afforded by lawns and landscapes, but did you know their real value is much more substantial than pleasing aesthetics and aromas? That’s right, well-managed landscapes offer tremendous benefits for people and for the environment.

[ ] Advantage of landscape
1- Natural Coolants – Grass is much cooler than asphalt or cement. It acts as an “air conditioner” for the surrounding area. In fact, lawns can be 31 degrees cooler than asphalt and 20 degrees cooler than bare soil. But wait, there’s more. Trees shading homes can reduce attic temperatures by as much as 40 degrees.

2- Environmental Cleaners - Grass plays a vital role in capturing dust, smoke particles and other pollutants, and it produces oxygen.

3- Water Protectors – Healthy lawns absorb unhealthy runoff that might otherwise filter into bodies of water.

4- Air Cleaners – Grasses absorb carbon dioxide and break it down into oxygen and carbon. In fact, a 50’x50’ lawn produces enough oxygen for a family of four.

5- Noise Minimizers – Lawns and plants dramatically reduce noise pollution; they can reduce noise levels by 20 percent to 30 percent over hard surfaces like concrete and pavement.
Turfgrass slows down and absorbs runoff into bodies of water.

[ ] Step 3
I want to to do hiking than others.

[ ] Explanation
There's a truckload of research out there telling us that hiking is good for us. As a form of exercise, there's nothing like a brisk climb to get your heart rate up. Check out this great infographic.

Physically, the benefits are numerous. Getting outside for even a short hike regularly can reduce your risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure and cholesterol and help to prevent type II diabetes.

Hiking makes you strong. And it doesn't just work your legs. Clambering over uneven surfaces and navigating your way around rocks, fallen trees, across streams and over tree roots engages your core and works your upper body for a true holistic work out.

[ ] Advantage of hiking
1. Hiking clears the mind and reduces stress
Our lives are busier than ever. Nine to five jobs, full social calendars and everyday life admin is enough to keep us at a permanent level of stress below the surface. Going for a hike reduces your blood pressure and cortisol levels producing a calming effect only nature can offer - over an above the benefits of exercise alone.

2. Hiking makes us happier
Getting out into nature decreases what psychologists call 'rumination', which are negative thought patterns that play over and over in our heads such as dwelling on embarrassing or disappointing moments or thinking about everything we think is wrong with our lives. Never underestimate the 'happiness effect' of being outdoors.

3. Hiking improves sleep quality
Walking or climbing over uneven terrain uses 28% more energy than walking over flat ground. You are also removing all the new age stimuli that we often expose ourselves to throughout the day and right before bedtime (phones, computers, TV's and the like). The result? Better sleep!

4. Improve your memory through hiking
Studies have shown that people who regularly spend time in natural settings, hiking or otherwise, have improved memory and recollection. So if you're rubbish at sudoku like me, just grab your boots and hit the track!

5. Hiking reduces anxiety and depression
Associated with the benefits of lowering stress levels, hiking has been proven to reduce anxiety by quietening the mind and allowing you to zone in on your breathing to a part meditative state. For natural stress relief and an instant mood boost, head outdoors.

[ ] Step 4
I want to sleep in tent rather than hotel

[ ] Explanation
Spending the night in the great outdoors under a dreamy, starry sky sounds great—until you actually try to fall asleep for the night. The sounds of critters scurrying through the woods, the hard and possibly rocky ground underneath you, and the endless loop of what-if situations running through your mind can make it seriously difficult to get any shut-eye. Oh, and don’t forget about the lack of heat or air conditioning to help you get cozy.

I’ve been there. On one backpacking trip, we heard a bear was in the area and I spent the whole night jolting at the slightest sign of movement until I collapsed, exhausted, as the sun started rising.

[ ] Advantage of sleeping in tent
1- Natural light exposure
A study conducted at the University of Colorado found that if you increase your exposure to natural sunlight, the light will reset your body clock to be more in line with natural circadian rhythms.
Changes to our melatonin levels
How often have you stayed up a little too late? Reading more chapters than you should. Watching one too many episodes. Those evenings could be the reason you couldn’t fall asleep and why you’re still restless at 3am with a 7am start.

2- Increases your immunity levels
Research has shown that the chemical that plants give off to protect themselves, phytoncides, can also protects humans. The Japanese discovered this long ago and even have a name for it – shinrin-yoku or forest-bathing.

3- Fresh air improves your body and brain functions
Your brain uses the majority of the oxygen we breathe in. It’s not surprising that the better quality we breathe in, the better it works. A night outside in the fresh air, improves our ability to think.

4- Reduce stress
A study published in the journal Environment and Behavior showed that simply seeing trees is proven to relieve stress. Even just looking at a picture of a tree is proven to lower blood pressure and cortisol. Looking at actual real life trees has the same effect, but on a much bigger scale.

5- Finding your inner peace
Life always makes things difficult for you. Be it work, warring friends or just feeling overwhelmed at everything going on. Getting out there and disconnecting from the rat race really does wonders for your inner peace. Depending on your personality or circumstances, you may want to go alone or socially with friends.

[ ] Step 5

I want to stay in the mountain for whole week.

[ ] Explaining why
Living in the mountains is a great way to get away from the stress and busyness of city life. It is quite literally, a breath of fresh air. Mountain views are magnificent and can daily leave you in awe. Life in the mountains offers privacy and a way to get back to nature.

[ ] Advantage
1. milder summer temperatures
2. health benefits from higher elevations
3. privacy
4. year round activities – hiking, biking, fishing, skiing, snowboarding, sledding
5. nature
6. Snow

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