In: Psychology
Examine the concepts of “cure” in counseling.
State 5 approaches and their goals and the reviews of it.Explain in detail.
Counseling or psychotherapy is actually called a talking treatment in which the clients or the individuals can be treated or cured through talks and medications. The decline in mental health is actually a problem which cannot be cured used different medicines which are using in the treatment of any physical health. Clients or individuals sometimes need only a talk which can help them to recover from their current mental state. There are people who need just a listener. There is a difference between hearing and listening. People who just hear what others say for the sake of someone or something and not trying to understand the meaning in it and responding to the clients is hearing. At the same time, if the individual hears what the other person is saying and is able to understand the meaning of the things that are said by the client can provide a good environment for the client and help them by positively or supportingly responding to them and this is what we call listening. A good counselor must be a good listener, or we can say only a good listener can be a good counselor. So, the best cure for counseling or psychotherapy is always listening. Another kind of cure is using medications. But there are negative sides for the using of medications too. Using medications can make the clients sometimes addicted to the drugs which are used as the medications. And there can be be many negative side effects too for the using of medications.
The goals of the psychotherapy or counseling are mainly to bring a positive outcome or to provide an unconditional positive regard to the clients. It can also help clients to understand them psychologically and understand their own selves. Another goal of counseling treatment to bring a self-control, to study about different coping mechanisms and strategies and also to increase self-esteem and self-reliance in the clients or individuals.
The five approaches of counseling psychology are the psychodynamic or psychoanalytical approach, behavioral approach, humanistic approach, gestalt approach and the cognitive approach.
The psychodynamic approach was introduced by Sigmund Freud. It is a model of personality development and focused on the importance of unconsciousness. He explained that the psychological problems that are seen outside the individuals are actually formed due to the internal conflicts. He introduced the psychosexual stages of development, levels of consciousness and also the different levels of personality. The two main goals of this approach are to bring out the internal conflicts and solve them and also to strengthen the ego as the ego controls the id and superego.
The second approach is the behaviorist approach which was introduced by B.F.Skinner. This approach focuses on the observable behavior and includes the four different types of learning: classical conditioning, operant conditioning, social learning and cognitive behavioral theory. It is based on the principles of scientific learning. The goals include the increasing of personal choices and also to create new conditions for learning.
The third approach to counseling is the humanistic approach, also called the person centered approach proposed by Carl Rogers. He explained the importance of self and to understand the difference between the real self and ideal self. When a conflict arises between these two selves then there occurs an incongruence. This therapy mainly focuses on the person and not on the problems face by the person. The goals include the increasing of self-esteem in individuals and helping them to achieve a greater degree of independence and integration.
The fourth approach is the gestalt approach. It focuses on the relationship of the clients with their environment. It tries to find out about the ongoing experiences of the clients and how they are doing it. The main goals of the therapy include the experiments, process oriented diagnosis, the continuum of experience and the here and now.
The last approach of counseling is the cognitive approach. It focuses on the thoughts and cognitions of the clients or individuals. It was explained by both Macy and Aaron T. Beck. The main goal of cognitive therapy is to help individuals or clients to be their own therapists. It includes giving education to the clients about the problems they are facing. The main educations involve making the clients understand about the real problem they are facing at that moment, the chances of relapse or recurrence of their problems and also to understand how their thoughts and emotions can affect their problems.