
In: Computer Science

C++ Heap Tree:  Make a program called "priority_queue" that has the following operations using a heap and...

C++ Heap Tree:  Make a program called "priority_queue" that has the following operations using a heap and simulating a prioritized row of integers with higher priority value.

It has to include the following on the code:


Description: Add data to prioritized row

Entry: An integer, which you want to add to the prioritized row

Exit: Nothing
Precondition: n is an integer
Postcondition: The prioritized row contains new data.

pop -

Description: Remove the data with the highest priority from the prioritized row

Entry: Nothing
Exit: Nothing
Precondition: That the prioritized row contains at least 1 data.
Postcondition: The prioritized row is left without the data with the highest priority


Description: Returns the value of the data that is with the highest priority in the prioritized row.

Entry: Nothing
Output: The data that has the highest priority within the prioritized row
Precondition: That the prioritized row contains at least 1 data.
Postcondition: Nothing


Description: Returns a boolean value saying if the prioritized row is empty or has data.

Output: A boolean value that tells whether the prioritized row is empty or has data.
Precondition: Nothing.
Postcondition: Nothing


Description: Returns the amount of data that the prioritized row has

Entry :Nothing
Output :An integer value representing the amount of data in the prioritized row
Precondition: Nothing.
Postcondition: Nothing

It has to include the next class header(obligatory):

#ifndef MYHEAP_H

#define MYHEAP_H

class   MyHeap{


        int* values; //where the HEAP values ​​are going to be saved

        int size; //Represents how many values ​​the Heap has stored  


        MyHeap(); //Initialize the attributes. The values ​​attribute initializes it as an empty array size 7

        void push(int n); // Insert a value in the heap. Only when the new value does not fit in the array
// grow the array to size 2 * n + 1. (Dynamic expansion of the array)
// That is, if you already have the arrangement with 7 values ​​and you want to insert another value (The 8th)
// then the array is grown to size 15, the first 7 values ​​of the original array are copied
// and the 8th value is inserted.


        void pop(); //A value is removed from the heap. It is never necessary to decrease the size of the array.

        int top(); //Return who is the next element to exit but without deleting it

        bool isEmpty(); //returns true if the heap is empty otherwise returns false

        int length(); //returns how many elements the heap is storing




Expert Solution

SOLUTION: Below here is the code of your problem

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
struct n // node declaration {
   int p;
   int info;
   struct n *l;
class Priority_Queue {
      //Declare a front pointer f and initialize it to NULL.
      n *f;
      Priority_Queue() //constructor {
         f = NULL;
      void insert(int i, int p) {
         n *t, *q;
         t = new n;
         t->info = i;
         t->p = p;
         if (f == NULL || p < f->p) {
            t->l= f;
            f = t;
         } else {
            q = f;
            while (q->l != NULL && q->l->p <= p)
               q = q->l;
               t->l = q->l;
               q->l = t;
      void del() {
         n *t;
         if(f == NULL) //if queue is null
            cout<<"Queue Underflow\n";
         else {
            t = f;
            cout<<"Deleted item is: "<<t->info<<endl;
            f = f->l;
      void show() //print queue {
         n *ptr;
         ptr = f;
         if (f == NULL)
            cout<<"Queue is empty\n";
         else {
            cout<<"Queue is :\n";
            cout<<"Priority Item\n";
            while(ptr != NULL) {
               cout<<ptr->p<<" "<<ptr->info<<endl;
               ptr = ptr->l;
int main() {
   int c, i, p;
   Priority_Queue pq;
   Do//perform switch opeartion {
      cout<<"Enter your choice : ";
      switch(c) {
         case 1:
            cout<<"Input the item value to be added in the queue : ";
            cout<<"Enter its priority : ";
            pq.insert(i, p);
         case 2:
         case 3:
         case 4:
         cout<<"Wrong choice\n";
   while(c != 4);
   return 0;

**Fell free to ask any queries in the comment section. I am happy to help you. if you like our work, please give Thumbs up**

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