
In: Computer Science

Using Python, write a program that meets the following requirements: Make a list called sandwich_orders and...

Using Python, write a program that meets the following requirements:

  1. Make a list called sandwich_orders and fill it with the names of various sandwiches.
  2. Make an empty list called finished_sandwiches.
  3. Loop through the list of sandwich orders and spring a message for each order such as "I am working on your tuna sandwich"
  4. As each sandwich is made, move it to the list of finished sandwiches.
  5. After all the sandwiches have been made, print a message listing each sandwich that was made.
  6. Comment your code (with requirements above).


Expert Solution

Python code:

#initializing a sample sandwich_orders list
sandwich_orders=["tuna sandwitch","vegetable sandwitch","chicken sandwitch"]
#initializing an empty finished_sandwiches list
#looping each item in sandwich_orders
for i in sandwich_orders:
#printing the sandwich in which working on
print("I am working on your "+i)
#adding that sandwich to finished_sandwiches list
#printing the sandwitches which are made
print("The sandwitches which are made are ",end="")
print(*finished_sandwiches,sep=", ")



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