
In: Computer Science

C++ ^ ^ Write a menu driven program to perform following operations using a map container...

Write a menu driven program to perform following operations using a map container that stores the information about USA Population (In Million).

1. Add Information
2. Display Information
3. Update Information
4. Erase Information
5. Clear Information

For example, Suppose the map initially contains following information (Use emplace() function to store the information)
2010, 309.33
2011, 311.58
2012, 313.87
2015, 320.74
2016, 323.07

The program should produce the desired output when a valid input is provided, as follows:

1. If the Input is:
The output should be:
Record Added: USA population in 2018 is 329.16 Million.

2. If the Input is:
The output should be:
USA population in 2015 is 320.75 Million.

3. If the Input is:

The output should be:
Record Updated: USA population in 2015 is 321.88 Million.

4. If the Input is:

The output should be:
Record Deleted: USA population in 2015 was 321.88.

5. If the Input is:

The output should be:
All records Deleted.


Expert Solution

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// display menu
void menu()
cout<<"1. Add Information"<<endl;
cout<<" 2. Display Information"<<endl;
cout<<"3. Update Information"<<endl;
cout<<"4. Erase Information"<<endl;
cout<<"5. Clear Information"<<endl;
cout<<"0. To end the program"<<endl;


int main() {
   // your code goes here
   int n;// to store the user input;
   // takes the input and stores the information in map
   int year;
   float population;
   cout<<"Record Added: USA population in "<<year<<" is "<<population<<" Million"<<endl;
   int year;
   // take the year and display the population
   cout<<"USA population in "<<year<<" is "<<mp[year]<<" Million"<<endl;
   // take the year and population to be updated
   int year;
   float population;
   mp[year]=population;// updatin population
   cout<<"Record Updated: USA population in "<<year<<" is "<<mp[year]<<" Million"<<endl;
   // clear the year
   int year;
   float temp=mp[year];
   cout<<"Record Deleted: USA population in "<<year<<" was "<<temp<<" Million"<<endl;
   // clear the map
   return 0;

For input

2010 323.4
2012 326.9
2016 330.9
2020 335.8
2016 333.8


1. Add Information
2. Display Information
3. Update Information
4. Erase Information
5. Clear Information
0. To end the program
Record Added: USA population in 2010 is 323.4 Million
Record Added: USA population in 2012 is 326.9 Million
Record Added: USA population in 2016 is 330.9 Million
Record Added: USA population in 2020 is 335.8 Million
USA population in 2016 is 330.9 Million
Record Updated: USA population in 2016 is 333.8 Million
Record Deleted: USA population in 2016 was 333.8 Million

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