
In: Computer Science

C++ Write a C++ program that implements a tree using a linked representation Each node will...


  • Write a C++ program that implements a tree using a linked representation
  • Each node will contain a single integer data element. Initialize the tree to contain 10 nodes.
  • The program should allow for the insertion and deletion of data.
  • The program should allow the user to output data in Preorder, Inorder and Postorder.


Expert Solution

C++ program that implements a tree using linked representation:

Source code in C++

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct nod {
   nod *l, *r;
   int d;
}*r = NULL, *p = NULL, *np = NULL, *q;

void create() {
   int v,c = 0;
   while (c < 6) {
      if (r == NULL) {
         r = new nod;
         cout<<"enter value of root node\n";
         r->r = NULL;
         r->l = NULL;
      } else {
         p = r;
         cout<<"enter value of node\n";
         while(true) {
            if (v< p->d) {
               if (p->l == NULL) {
                  p->l = new nod;
                  p = p->l;
                  p->d = v;
                  p->l = NULL;
                  p->r = NULL;
                  cout<<"value entered in left\n";
               } else if (p->l != NULL) {
                  p = p->l;
            } else if (v >p->d) {
               if (p->r == NULL) {
                  p->r = new nod;
                  p = p->r;
                  p->d = v;
                  p->l = NULL;
                  p->r = NULL;
                  cout<<"value entered in right\n";
               } else if (p->r != NULL) {
                  p = p->r;

void inorder(nod *p) {
   if (p != NULL) {

void preorder(nod *p) {
   if (p != NULL) {

void postorder(nod *p) {
   if (p != NULL) {

int main() {
   cout<<" traversal in inorder\n";
   cout<<" traversal in preorder\n";
   cout<<" traversal in postorder\n";


Hope you liked my solution. All the best.

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