First, let me consider a topic – Signed Employment contract,
Here, let me share three reasons why it is important to a
payroll administrator, these are as stated below:
- Payroll administrator will perform several activities to
initiate payment or compensation of each employee. Here, employees
are paid for the total hour worked using hourly rate, such hourly
rate data will be found in Signed Employment contract, Payroll
administrator will use Signed Employment contract for each employee
as a reference to know about the hourly rate. Not all employees
will be paid using hourly rate. There are employees who will be
paid monthly basis fixed amount and up to some percentage of that
fixed amount as incentive. Hence, basic compensation data can be
found in the Signed Employment contract for each employee. Payroll
administrator will use this data as to process their compensation
- Payroll administrator needs to be compliant to the
organizational practices and terms and condition, such practices
and terms and conditions are highlighted in the Signed Employment
contract, for example: there could be practices maintained in
contract like employee would be paid their salary on or before
5th of any month and any Incentives are to be paid at
the end of financial year. Here, such practices are to be followed
by Payroll administrator. Keeping such Signed Employment contract
as ref. Payroll administrator can eliminate various system
- Signed Employment contract will include extra payout
information like Overtime payout information, holiday allowances,
etc. it will also include several terms and condition like
violation of honor code and poor conduct could lead to termination
of employee, Payroll Administrator will take Signed Employment
contract as ref. for paying such extra amount to the employee and
Payroll Administrator also reserve right not to pay if any
situation occurred associated with violation of honor code and poor
conduct of employee. Here, they will follow Signed Employment
contract and will not pay that employee.
There are several reasons behind importance of maintaining
Signed Employment contract, here, these are as stated below:
- Signed Employment contract build an agreement that is
enforceable by the court and both parties has some duty to fulfill
as defined in it. So, with forming such contract, we can minimize
serious level of any dispute.
- This contract also includes terms and conditions, termination
clause, salary break down, work description, hence, both party will
follow such data and become compliant to avoid any disputes.
- Signed Employment contract will also include dispute resolution
techniques, with such techniques; we can resolve disputes either
mutually or by taking legal help.