
In: Computer Science

Write in Python. come up with a programming task for which you will write your own...

Write in Python.

come up with a programming task for which you will write your own program. It should be a purposeful and non-trivial program, bigger than any programming assignment. But it should not be something too ambitious that you may not end up finishing by the deadline. The program must not be something available on the Internet or in a book. The program must satisfy the following five requirements:

  1. It must define and appropriately use at least one class.
  2. It must use at least two meaningful functions besides main function and the class methods.
  3. Its input and output must be through files (some user input, or output to screen is ok in addition, if needed)
  4. It must use at least one list or one dictionary.
  5. The program must be well documented with module documentation (three double-quote comments) for functions and classes as well as comments at appropriate places in the program.

Please feel free to contact the instructor if any help is needed at any stage of the project.


  1. Submit your .py program file(s)
  2. Submit sample input/output file as needed
  3. Submit a plain text file called README.txt that clearly explains:
    • The programming task and its specifications
    • Your programming design (e.g. what part of the program does what)
    • How to run your program


Expert Solution

#class phonebook, that will read phonebook from a file, and load it to a dictionary
class PhoneBook:
#class constructor
def __init__(self):
#reading from the file
f = open('phonebook.txt', 'r')
data = f.readlines()
pb = {}
#populating dictionary
for line in data:
line = line.split(',')
pb.update({line[0].strip(): line[1].strip()})
self.phonebook = pb
except FileNotFoundError:
self.phonebook = {}
#function to get phone number by name
def getPhoneNumber(self, name):
if name in self.phonebook.keys():
return self.phonebook[name]
return "Name not in Phone book"
#function to get name by phone number
def getName(self, phone_number):
for name, number in self.phonebook.items():
if number == phone_number:
return name
return "Number not in phonebook"
#function to add a new contact in the phonebook
def addContact(self, name, number):
self.phonebook.update({name: number})
f = open('phonebook.txt', 'w')
for name, number in self.phonebook.items():
f.write(name +", " + number + "\n")
return "Contact Added Successfully"

#function to display menu to user and return the choice entered by user
def menu():
print("1. Get Phone number by name.")
print("2. Get name by phone number.")
print("3. Add a new contact in phonebook.")
print("0. Exit")
ch = int(input("Enter your choice: "))
return ch

#function to perform operation based on user choice
def operation(pb, ch):
if ch == 1:
name = input("Enter Name: ")
print(name, ':', pb.getPhoneNumber(name))
elif ch == 2:
number = input("Enter Phone number: ")
print(number, ':', pb.getName(number))
elif ch == 3:
name = input("Enter Name: ")
number = input("Enter Phone number: ")
pb.addContact(name, number)

#main function
def main():
#create object of phonebook class
pb = PhoneBook()
ch = menu()
while ch != 0:
operation(pb, ch)
ch = menu()


Shashank Shukla, 123456789
Abhiram, 456789123
Dale, 45685217
Nathan, 78954213
george, 4861265
Sarah, 45645123
Carrie, 786523
Aria, 777777777

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