In: Computer Science
1) Write a denotational semantics for do-while loop
Denotational semantics for do - while loop ::-
We can define the semantics for loops using either a direct or a
continuation semantics. Recall that for the direct semantics, we
C: Command → Store⊥ → Store⊥
and we define the valuation function for a loop as follows:
C [[while B do C]] = λs. if B [[B]] then C [[while B do C]] (C
[[C]] s) else s
Note that the "then" part of the if says "execute the next
iteration, using the store produced by this iteration". But this is
a recursive definition; what does it really mean? The answer is to
use our usual trick with fixed points:
C [[while B do C]] = Y (λf.λs. if B [[B]] then f (C [[C]] s) else
For the continuation semantics, we have:
C: Command → Cc → Store → Store⊥
and we define the valuation function as follows:
C [[while B do C]] = λc.λs. if B [[B]] then (C [[C]] (C [[while B
do C]] c) s) else (c s)
Again, we can eliminate the recursion by using Y as we did above
for the direct semantics.
Of course, we need to know that the fixed points exist and are what
we want.