
In: Computer Science

In C Programming, Thanks Many user-created passwords are simple and easy to guess. Write a program...

In C Programming, Thanks

Many user-created passwords are simple and easy to guess. Write a program that takes a simple password and makes it stronger by replacing characters using the key below, and by appending "q*s" to the end of the input string. You may assume that the string does not contain spaces and will always contain less than 50 characters.

  • i becomes !
  • a becomes @
  • m becomes M
  • B becomes 8
  • o becomes .

Ex: If the input is:


the output is:



Expert Solution


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
    char password[50]; //character array to store password
    printf("Enter your password: ");
    scanf("%s",password); //reading password from user
    char strongerPassword[52]; //array to store updated password
    int i=0;
    for(i=0;i<strlen(password);i++) //looping through the password
        if(password[i]=='i') //if current character is i
            strongerPassword[i]='!'; //storing replacement of that character
        else if(password[i]=='a') //if current character is a
        else if(password[i]=='m')  //if current character is m
        else if(password[i]=='B')  //if current character is B
        else if(password[i]=='o')  //if current character is o
        else //other than any above character
            strongerPassword[i]=password[i]; //storing same character in new password array
    //appending q*s at the end
    printf("%s",strongerPassword); //printing new password

    return 0;


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