In: Operations Management
1- Customer service is very important for every business. Therefore the company should maintain there quality of services and the brand name. In now days customer are having more alternatives and if you will not provide best service then they will switch to other brand. The benefits of Information system technology are-
- Website- where various customer can clear there doubt and question can be easily asked from the company.
- E-mail - This is the way to iprove the customer service by providing information through emails.
- Communication- Communication can be done by call or leaving the voice mail to the company.
2- If automated package tracking system was not available then UPS will face many problems such as-
- The information to the customer will process slowly.
- Awareness will be not there by the customer.
- Daily information will be not received by the customer.
- Direct impact on organization. If automated package tracking system was not there.
3- Globalization has flattened the world-
- Intraction and integration of people globally helps the people to get connected to each other.
- Intraction of global culture, economic activity and poloitical activity through cross border.