In: Psychology
Why are various existential-humanistic approaches needed? Provide examples to support your answer.
The humanistic approach was introduced in the 1940’s in the United States. It can be traced to Abraham Maslow as the founding father, but through time has become closely connected with Carl Rogers. The humanistic and existential approach differentiates itself from other therapeutic styles by including the importance of the client’s subjective experience, as well as a concern for positive growth rather than pathology. Whereas the key words for humanistic psychotherapy genuineness, empathy and unconditional positive regard, the major themes of existential therapy are the client’s responsibility and freedom.
Humanistic and existential approaches share a belief that clients have the capacity for self-awareness and choice; however, they differ in their theoretical perspectives. The humanistic perspective views human nature as basically good, with a potential to maintain healthy, meaningful relationships and to make choices that are in the best interest of oneself and others. The humanistic therapist accompanies/guides clients to free themselves from assumptions and positions that might be blocking them from living fuller lives. The psychologist encourages and highlights growth and self-actualization, while maintains that clients have an innate capacity for responsible self-direction. For the humanistic psychologist, not being one’s true self is the source of problems.
The existentialist, on the other hand, is more interested in guiding or accompanying clients to find philosophical meaning while they face anxiety. This is done by exploring the importance of choosing to think and act authentically and responsibly. According to existential psychology, the fundamental problems clients face are rooted in anxiety over isolation, loneliness, despair, and, eventually, death. The existential psychologist assumes that the clients’ problems are due to not being able to use their judgment or make choices enough or well enough in order to create meaning in their lives. When outside influences may play a role in the clients’ limited ability to carry out choices, the existential psychologist and the clients will confront these influences in order to move forward.
These psychologists advocated for a human science that would incorporate naturalistic methods and description in the study of human beings. They were concerned that psychology was focusing exclusively on behavior and the observable dimensions of human experience as opposed to the inner, subjective processes that humanistic psychologists saw as core to human functioning. Humanistic–existential theories of psychotherapy were developed to better reflect their fundamental values and provide an alternative to the dominant theories of psychotherapy of the time, psychoanalysis and behavior therapy. Humanistic–existential psychotherapy emphasizes human agency and subjective experience. This perspective is in contrast to more rational and deterministic theories of human functioning. A number of different variants fall under the Humanistic–existential umbrella, including client-centered, experiential–emotion-focused, gestalt, and existential. These psychotherapies are based on shared values and principles that differentiate them from other major approaches, including psychodynamic, cognitive–behavioral, and family systems.
The social outcomes of existential-humanistic therapy very often results in improving the self-esteem of an individual. Self-esteem has been directly linked to happiness, academic achievement, divorce, social behavior, social stigma, eating disorders, and depression. Existential-Humanistic theories have also led to the validation of a 2000 years old self-improvement technique called meditation. The goals of existential-humanistic psychology and meditation share a core goal: increase an individual's self-awareness and enable them to get in touch with their thought processes. Some of the popular types of meditation in our present century are: (1) Mindfulness meditation (Vipassana), (2) Transcendental Meditation (TM), and (3) Zen Meditation.