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Report on self-efficacy”&“Plan of Personal Development essay for a student (2000 words)

Report on self-efficacy”&“Plan of Personal Development essay for a student (2000 words)


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The belief of a person on his abilities while doing a task, reaching goal is called self efficacy. It is a essential quality of a person while doing anything without self efficacy person can't finish his work.


Self efficacy is psychological term that persuades person to do something. Each and every body has seperate goals, seperate desires and achievements. Person always wants to complete that. To reach those goals person needs to believe himself. Otherwise he can't reach his goals and achievement. Without self efficacy person can't involve in understanding problem, thinking many ways in about problem, solving problem. Low self efficacy persons will face fatigue effect. Because they don't like the work. They can't think creatively about their work. They can't involve effectively in the work. High self efficacy persons will interact with the work , they involves in problem solving , they uses their knowledge to reach their goals, think in creative and innovative way.


1. Self efficacy helps in taking initiative

2. It helps in understanding the problem

3. Gathering information

4. Think in creative way

5. Think in innovative way

6. Problem solving


Self efficacy is influenced by many factors. Because it is a psychological term. Humans gains many psychological terms by their social inflences, friends, experiences, movies, books etc., Self efficacy will be influenced by all of above facotrs.

1.Person's existence knowledge on his goal

2.Person's experiences in his life

3.Person's motivation on his goal

4.Need with the resulf of goal

5.Personal ego

6.Challenges facing abilities

7.Person's physical and mental health

8.Situations surrounded by persons

9.Person's interest on particular topic

10.Degree of person's desire to reach the goal


1.They are very interested in the work

2. They really enjoys the work

3.They sees things in optimistic way

4.They loves challenges

5.They are good at problem solving and creative thinking

6.They thinks about their personal satisfaction

7.Strongly influenced by future results

8.Gathers all information while doing work

9.They are risk takers


1.They can't imagine future

2.They are leff confident people

3.They are pessimists

4.They can't take initiative

5.They are narrow minded people

6.They sees things in their view only

7.They think about failure

8.They don't believe themselves


1.Goals will be achieved

2.Problem solving ability will increase

3.Confidence of person's will be increase

4.They degree of self efficacy will be increased.



Personal development is the process of increasing our personal abilities and skills. To develop personal abilities we have to know about ourselves first . We have to accept our mistakes and disabilities.


1. Knowing about ourselves

2.Setting goals

3.Role model

4.Accepting mistake

5.Reading books


First of all we have to know about ourselves interms of goals, desires, thoughts, mental abilities etc., By knowing about ourselves we can step forward. We have to think about our perspective about this world. Make sure that it is in a positive way. We have to leave defece mechanism and egocentrism. We have to bright sides of the things. We have to know facts about us.


It is the great part in personal development .By setting goals our thoughts will be goes in same direction. We experiences mistakes,achivements, problems etc., Day by day we will be developed in our personality unconciously


By putting a role model we can know how they are seeing the world, how they solving their problems, what experiences made them strong etc., These observations will help us in think in innovative way.


Mistake is the quiet natural thing. We have to accept that. Accepting mistake is the highest form intelligence. By accepting mistakes we can develop our personality in high degree


By reading books we can develop our personality. Because each book indicates a life. We will know about the others and their perspectives. We can compare them with our pespectives.

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