
In: Computer Science

In C++ Programming Language: 1a. Declare a class, namely ReverseUniverse, that contains three public member functions....

In C++ Programming Language:

1a. Declare a class, namely ReverseUniverse, that contains three public member functions. Please see Q2 and Q3 for the name of the second and third function. (5 points)

Write a function string reverseString that reverses a string (first member function). It takes a string parameter and returns its reversed version. (10 points)

1b. In the class ReverseUniverse in Q1. Write a function vector reverseVector that reverses a vector (second member function). It takes a double vector parameter and returns its reversed version.

1b. In the class ReverseUniverse in Q1. Write a function int reverseInt that reverses an integer (third member function). It takes an int parameter and returns its reversed version.

NOTE: 1. You are NOT allowed to: i. convert int to string, ii. use vector or array. 2. Feel free to define helper member functions if needed.


Expert Solution


here is the code with all the member functions in the class ReverseUniverse


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

class ReverseUniverse
int reverseInt(int i)
int reversed = 0;
reversed = reversed*10 + i%10;
return reversed;
vector<double> reverseVector(vector<double> v)
int start = 0, end = v.size()-1;
double temp = v[end];
v[end] = v[start];
v[start] = temp;
return v;
string reverseString(string s)
int start = 0, end = s.length()-1;
char temp = s[end];
s[end] = s[start];
s[start] = temp;
return s;
int main()

return 0;


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