9. Name two early Alabama writers and their works. Briefly, what
opportunities for education were provided...
9. Name two early Alabama writers and their works. Briefly, what
opportunities for education were provided in the state? What was
the religious situation of the state?
Expert Solution
Alabama joined the rare company of states that have contributed
a classic not only to American but also to world literature.
Alabama has a rich literary heritage and can boast of
extraordinary literary activity and achievement in the present,
including such genres as travel and nature writing, autobiography,
and humor, as well as poetry, drama, and fiction
Early writings emerging from what would become the state of
Alabama prefigure a number of literary focuses and forms that would
later help define the literary output of the state. André Pénigaut,
who wrote about the French presence along the Gulf Coast in the
early eighteenth century and has been called Alabama's first
literary figure, reported the life and culture of the indigenous
peoples of the region
also did William Bartram in his 1791 Travels, although Bartram
directed his interest more toward the native faunaand, especially,
European-American conflict with Native Americans and
specifically the Creek War of 1813-1814 was the subject of more
traditional literary efforts, both poetry and prose and both
serious and not. Lewis Sewall's The Last Campaign of Sir John
Falstaff II, Or, The Hero of the Burnt-Corn Battle; A Serio-Comic
Poem appeared in 1815, and the Creekleader William Weatherford was
the epic title hero of Alexander Beaufort Meek's The Red Eagle, a
lengthy poem in varying verse forms published in New York in 1855
and achieving at least five subsequent editions. The first novel
published in Alabama, in 1833, was written by "Don Pedro Cassender"
and titled The Lost Virgin of the South; An Historical Novel,
Founded on Facts, Connected with the Indian War in the South, in
1812 to '15. A quite different kind of book—humorous, satiric short
storieswas Johnson Jones Hooper'swidely read Some Adventures of
Captain Simon Suggs (1845), which grew out of the turbulent period
of Indian removal in 1836-37.
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what career opportunities uses managrial accounting
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briefly describe each thinker’s theory about the nature of the
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cosmologists, each of their respective arguments for a single
factor, thing, or “stuff,” is an example of ________?
Chapter 9 – Ideas and
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