
In: Economics

How does the competing values framework connect with Kolb's model of learning?

How does the competing values framework connect with Kolb's model of learning?


Expert Solution

                                          The competing values framework theory is a theory that focus on the organizational focus and organizational preference for structure to identify the competing values of an organization. The organizational focus analyses the emphasis on the well being of the people and the organization whereas the latter focus on the stability, control, flexibility and change. With reference to the above dimensions, it says about four models of organization namely Human Relations Model, Open systems model, Rational Goal model and Internal Process model.

                                    Kolbe’s learning model focus on the four stage cycle of learning and says about four specific learning styles which are analysed from the above cycles of learning. He stated that learning is a process of finding out the concept which can be applied in different situations depending on the flexibility of the concept attained. He also stated that it is a process of acquiring knowledge through the transformation of experience. The four stages according to Kolbe’s theory of learning are concrete experience, Reflective observation of new experience, Abstract conceptualisation and active experimentation. According to him, effective learning occurs only when someone follows these four cycles judiciously. He also says that each stage is of prime importance and the four stages forms an integrated process and not individual process. He also states the process continuum, which gives an analysis of how we approach a tack and perception continuum, which gives a view on how we think about something or the emotional feeling towards something.

                                    The above analysis of Kolbe can be effectively implemented or connected to the competing values framework that governs the organizational capacity of a firm. It can be used as a major tool in the implementation of supervision and management program in an organization. The organizational structure analysis part focus on the values of an organization and connecting to Kolbe’s model of learning we can say that an organization should function based on frameworks like

· Concrete experience, where the organization should learn from both its experience and experience of other similar organizations for better process models

· It should then be able to reflect on new experiences whereby it can introduce innovative methods of organizational management

· The firm should then focus on conceptualisation of the experience so that the management is not marginalised and diverted.

· After the above processes, the organization is free to implement and experiment the same so as to attain stability, control and flexibility as per the competing values framework theory.

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