In: Nursing
Choose one long-term care patient population. Briefly describe the population with a focus on population size, access to formal long-term care services, and the estimated mix of informal to formal care. Explain why individualization, integration, and coordination are essential to the delivery of long-term care in this context. How are formal services for this group financed? Does this group (primarily) receive care in an institutional or community setting? Why? Do you expect that to change in the next 5-10 years? Why?
Population size and access to long term care services :
An individual must be at least 65 years of age and unable to perform, without substantial assistance of another person, at least two (out of five) Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). The five ADLs considered are: bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring and eating.
The first focuses on the behavioral and measurable phenomenon of functional limitation and the need for human service assistance. The second provides a comprehensive listing of types and varieties of services involved in long term care. The first seems to exclude those who were born with their conditions and the second avoids such exclusion, but at the cost of giving no guidance as to the characteristics other than chronicity of the population to be served.
Estimated mix of formal and informal care :
Formal care for older people usually refers to paid care services provided by a healthcare institution or individual for a person in need. Informal care refers to unpaid care provided by family, close relatives, friends and neighbors.
Those who were dependent only in mobility had little likelihood of being in a nursing home. Indeed, among those institutionalized who were dependent, nearly 20 times as many were dependent in personal care as in mobility.
Focus on the need for human assistance because so much of supply estimation involves manpower estimates. the population that include the nonaged and not excluding those with congenital impairments. In addition of use for public policy should meet the following minimum conditions: It should be compatible with available data and measures, to the extent feasible and it should be easily translated into service and manpower estimates. Such estimates can then be easily translated into costs.
Individualization, integration and coordination are necessary for delivary of long-term health care :
Integrity is shown by the medical assistant checking in with the patient letting them know the physician is running behind and assuring the patient the physician will be with them as soon as possible.
The long-term care population consists of all persons, regardless of age or diagnosis because of a chronic condition, require or receive human help in personal care, mobility, household activities or home administered health care services. Personal care includes eating, continence, transferring (e.g., moving from bed to chair, or bed to floor), toileting, dressing, and bathing for these all needs tobe ddone easily coordination and integrity with the other people around them . Mobility includes walking and going outside. Household activities include meal preparation, money management, shopping and chores, excluding yard work. Home administered health care services include injections, dressings, physical therapy and other health care services. In every aspect of long term care services the integrity, coordination with the surrounding is very important.
Patient integrity is an important aspect of ethical decision making in nursing care and respect for integrity is central to good care.
Yes, this population can receive care in an institution or community setting.
Yes, I expect that to change in next 5-10 years. Because the faster the change is the more comfortable longterm care needed patients are. Therefore, longterm care required patients should be provided care in institutions or community centers.