
In: Computer Science

Given a string str of even length, print out the first half.   Methods to use: substring(),...

Given a string str of even length, print out the first half.  

Methods to use: substring(), length()

Testing cases:

WooHoo => Woo

HelloThere   => Hello

abcdef => abc

ab   => a

0123456789   => 01234

kitten   => kit

(Note that the sample input test cases are shown before the “=>” and the expected output each test case is after the “=>”.

Your program should print out the expected output only, not the input.)

this is for java language


Expert Solution

Source Program:

import java.util.Scanner;
class subb
   public static void main(String args[])
       Scanner input=new Scanner(;
       int len=str.length();
       String str1=str.substring(0,len/2);

Sample Input and Output:

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