
In: Computer Science

What is the best running time taken to print the first character of a string of...

What is the best running time taken to print the first character of a string of length n?


O(log n)


O(n log n)

O(n 2)

O(n k) where k is a constant > 2

O(2 n)

What is the best running time taken to print the letter 'A'.


O(log n)


O(n log n)

O(n 2)

O(n k) where k is a constant > 2

O(2 n)

What is the best running time taken to determine the smallest element in a unsorted array of length n? The array doesn't contain duplicates.


O(log n)


O(n log n)

O(n 2)

O(n k) where k is a constant > 2

O(2 n)

What is the best running time taken to determine if there is a specific value in a sorted array of length n? The array may contain duplicates.


O(log n)


O(n log n)

O(n 2)

O(n k) where k is a constant > 2

O(2 n)


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