
In: Computer Science

use java recursion find # of times a substring is in a string but it has...

use java recursion

find # of times a substring is in a string but it has to be the exact same, no extra letters attached to it and capitalization matters.

input is 2 strings, output is an int

input: ("Hello it is hello it's me hellos" + "hi hellllloooo hi hello" + "hello", "hello")

should output: 3

input: (" Hello it is hello it's me hellos" + "hi hellllloooo hi hello" + "hello", "Hello")

should output: 1

input: (" Hello it is hello it's me hellos" + "hi hellllloooo hi hello" + "hello Hello ", "Hello")

should output: 2

input: (" HELLO it is hello it's me hellos" + "hi hellllloooo hi hello" + "hello Hello", "Hello")

should output: 1

input: (" HELLO it is hello it's me hellos" + "hi hellllloooo hi hello" + "hello Hello", "")

should output: 0


Expert Solution

public class SubstringRecursion {

        public static void main(String[] args) {
                int times;
                times = substring("Hello World Welcome to new World","",0);
                times = substring("king of Kings","king",0);
                String s = "I felt happy because I saw the others were happy and because I knew I should feel happy, but I wasn’t really happy";
                times = substring(s, "happy", 0);

        public static int substring(String string, String substring, int index) {
                        return 0;
                // if it has no matching then return 0
                if(string.indexOf(substring)== -1) {
                        return 0;
                // if string found we have to start checking from next character
                int i = string.indexOf(substring)+1;
                // adding 1 to new substring check
                return 1 + substring(string.substring(i), substring, index + 1);




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