
In: Computer Science

Write a C++ function to print out all unique letters of a given string. You are...

Write a C++ function to print out all unique letters of a given string. You are free to use any C++ standard library functions and STL data structures and algorithms and your math knowledge here. Extend your function to check whether a given word is an English pangram (Links to an external site.). You may consider your test cases only consist with English alphabetical characters and the character.


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void function(string str){
// Array to store 0 and 1 if a is present in string a[0]=1,if b is present a[1] = 1,
// if b is absent a[1] = 0 and so on.
int a[26] = {0};
cout<<"Unique letters : ";
//Iterating all the letters of string
for(int i=0;i<str.length();i++){
//Converting each letter to lower case if it is in upper case.
str[i] = tolower(str[i]);
// 'a'-'a'=0, 'b'-'a'=1 this way, w'll get index of letter in array a by str[i]-'a'
//checking if letter was already present in the string
if(a[str[i]-'a'] == 0){
//updating array a
a[str[i]-'a'] = 1;
//printing letter
// To check if string is pangram
// Assuming that string is pangram
bool pangram = true;
//iterating array a
for(int i=0;i<26;i++){
//if any of the letter is absent, then string is not pangram
if(a[i] == 0){
pangram = false;
// if pangram is true, it means string is pangram
cout<<"\n String is pangram";
// if pangram is false, it means string is not pangram
cout<<"\n String is not pangram";

int main()
cout<<"Enter String : ";
string str;
//Input of String
//Calling method to print unique letters and checking for pangram
return 0;

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