
In: Computer Science

Im working with visual basics for these problem. 1) Write a program that accepts five integers,...

Im working with visual basics for these problem.

1) Write a program that accepts five integers, and for each integer following the first, prints "GREATER" or "LESS" depending on whether or not the current integer is greater than the previous one. At the end, your application will let user know the largest and the smallest of the five numbers provided

(BONUS): consider using the concepts of swapping the current and previous values as needed and don't use 5 variables.


Expert Solution


Module Module1

Sub Main()
Dim num As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim greater, less As Integer
Dim temp As Integer

For i = 1 To 5

Console.Write("Enter Number" & i & ": ")
num = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())

If (i = 1) Then
greater = num
less = num
ElseIf (greater < num) Then
greater = num
ElseIf (less > num) Then
less = num
ElseIf greater > less Then
End If

Next i

Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------" & vbNewLine)
Console.WriteLine("Largest Number: " & greater)
Console.WriteLine("Smallest Number: " & less)

End Sub

End Module

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