
In: Computer Science

Write a complete MiniMIPS program that accepts a seqeunce of integers at input and after the...

Write a complete MiniMIPS program that accepts a seqeunce of integers at input and after the receipt of each new input value, displays the largest and smallest integers thus far.
An input of 0 indicates the end of input values and is not an input value itself.
Note that you do not need to keep all integers in memory.


Expert Solution


stmt: .asciiz "\nEnter a number: "
stmt1: .asciiz "maximum number: "
stmt2: .asciiz "\nminimum number: "
newline: .asciiz "\n"
.globl main
li $s0,0 #max = 0
li $s1,9999999 #initialize min 
li $t0,1 #number
loop: la $a0, stmt       # load address of stmt for syscall
      li $v0, 4           # specify Print String service
      li $v0,5      #read integer
      move $t0,$v0
      beqz $t0,end      
      bge $t0,$s0,updateMax
      ble $t0,$s1,updateMin
      j printVal
updateMax:      move $s0,$t0
               ble $t0,$s1,updateMin
               j printVal
updateMin:      move $s1,$t0
               j printVal
printVal:       la $a0, stmt1       # load address of stmt for syscall
                li $v0, 4           # specify Print String service
                move $a0,$s0
                li $v0,1
                la $a0, stmt2       # load address of stmt for syscall
                li $v0, 4           # specify Print String service
                move $a0,$s1
                li $v0,1
                  la $a0, newline       # load address of stmt for syscall
                li $v0, 4           # specify Print String service
                j loop
end:   li $v0,10


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