In: Civil Engineering
1. What is NPV value in relation to cost benefit analysis of projects?
2. List the factors influencing the design of At-Grade intersections
3. Explain the use of C.B.R value in pavement design?
4. Sketch roughly three different types of grade separations and interchanges.
5. Briefly describe test which may be used to assess and control the following properties. (a) Penetration (b) Flash point.
6. List the use of channelization in the design of an intersection
7. Outline three methods by which the viscosity of bitumen can reduced..
8. Explain the difference in the purpose of using Flux and Cutter.
9. Discuss the functions of a primer in bituminous surfacing.
10. A number of techniques have been developed to provide information on pavement deterioration. Outline the techniques.
1. When conducting cost-benefit analysis on a project or proposal, you'll get a more accurate result by converting all future costs and benefits to their present values. Subtracting the present values of all costs from the present values of all benefits gives you the net present value of the project, or NPV. If the NPV is positive, the benefits outweigh the costs, and the project will, over time, pay for itself and generate a profit. If the NPV is negative, the project will never pay for itself; it's a money-losing proposition. If you're trying to decide among competing projects, each of which has a positive net present value, the one with the higher NPV will generate a greater return and add more value to your company.
2. Factors influencing
* Volume of traffic on major and minor roads
* Amount of right and left turning vehicles
* Pedestrian count
* Type & percentage of vehicles
* Width of entry and exit roads available
* Angle of entry and exit roads
3. The CBR test has been used to determine the material properties for pavement design