
In: Computer Science

Use while loop for the num inputs #include #include using namespace std; int main() {   ...

Use while loop for the num inputs

using namespace std;

int main()
   long long int digit;
   long long int num1, num2, num3, num4, num5;
   int ave;
   cout << "Enter a 10 digit number: ";
   cin >> digit;
   num5 = digit %100;
   digit = digit / 100;
   num4 = digit %100;
   digit = digit / 100;

   num3 = digit %100;
   digit = digit / 100;

   num2 = digit %100;
   digit = digit / 100;

   num1 = digit %100;
   digit = digit / 100;
   cout << num1 << endl;
   cout << num2 << endl;
   cout << num3 << endl;
   cout << num4 << endl;
   cout << num5 << endl;
   ave = (double)(num1 + num2 + num3 + num4 + num5) / 5;
   cout << "Avg: " << ave << endl;
       case 9:
           cout << "Grade: A";
       case 8:
           cout << "Grade: B";
       case 7:
           cout << "Grade: C";
       case 6:
           cout << "Grade: D";
           cout << "Grade: F";
   return 0;


Expert Solution

Here is the completed code for this problem. After reading the question, there was a confusion whether you meant to rewrite the same program using while loops than using 5 modulo and division operations, or rewrite the program using while loops for reading 5 grades and find the average and grade at the end. So I wrote both versions of this question according to my understanding. Choose whichever you want. Comments are included, go through it, learn how things work and let me know if you have any doubts or if you need anything to change. If you are satisfied with the solution, please rate the answer. Thanks

//version 1

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


    long long int digit;

    int num, i = 0;

    int ave;

    //asking and reading a 10 digit number, assuming user always enter valid input

    cout << "Enter a 10 digit number: ";

    cin >> digit;

    //looping for 5 times

    while (i < 5) {

        //extracting last 2 digits as num

        num = digit % 100;

        //adding to ave

        ave += num;

        //removing last 2 digits from digits

        digit = digit / 100;

        //updating i


        //displaying current number

        cout << num << endl;


    //finding average

    ave = ave / 5;

    //displaying average and grade

    cout << "Avg: " << ave << endl;

    switch (ave / 10) {

    case 9:

       cout << "Grade: A";


    case 8:

        cout << "Grade: B";


    case 7:

        cout << "Grade: C";


    case 6:

        cout << "Grade: D";



        cout << "Grade: F";



    return 0;



Enter a 10 digit number: 8080989075






Avg: 84

Grade: B

//version 2

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


    long long int digit;

    int num, i = 1;

    int ave;

    //looping for 5 times

    while (i <= 5) {

                //asking for num

                cout<<"Enter num "<<i<<": ";

                //reading num


        //adding to ave

        ave += num;      



    //finding average

    ave = ave / 5;

    //displaying average and grade

    cout << "Avg: " << ave << endl;

    switch (ave / 10) {

    case 9:

        cout << "Grade: A";


    case 8:

        cout << "Grade: B";


    case 7:

        cout << "Grade: C";


    case 6:

        cout << "Grade: D";



        cout << "Grade: F";



    return 0;



Enter num 1: 70

Enter num 2: 80

Enter num 3: 90

Enter num 4: 95

Enter num 5: 44

Avg: 76

Grade: C

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