In: Computer Science
I need a Flowgorithm chart of this
using namespace std;
int main()
float CISBook[] = {55.5,35.8,67.5};
float MATHBook[] = {25.5, 54.5};
float MECBook[] = {65.0,75.5,86.8};
float sumCIS=0, sumMATH = 0, sumMEC = 0;
for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
{sumCIS += CISBook[i];}
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
{sumMATH += MATHBook[i];}
for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
{sumMEC += MECBook[i];}
cout<<"\nTotal for CIS Books: Programming 1;
Intro to Networking; Javascript"< for (int i=0;
i<4; i++)
cout< cout<<"\nCost of CIS
books: "<
cout<<"\nTotal for Math Books: Calculus; Intro
to Geometry"< for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
cout< cout<<"\nCost of Math
cout<<"\nTotal for MEC Books: Statics; Intro to
Ind. Process; Hydraulics and Pneumatics"< for (int
i=0; i<4; i++)
cout< cout<<"\nCost of MEC
books: "<
cout<<"\nTotal sale amount is:
cout<<"\n20% paid by financial aid:"<
cout<<"\nTotal amount student must pay:
"<<(sumCIS + sumMATH +
return 0;
Greetings !
Flowchart generated by Flowgorithm application of given program in C++
Screenshot of the output generated by Flowgorithm Application
// pseudocode generated by flowgorithm application :
function Main
CISBook[0] = 55.5
CISBook[1] = 35.8
CISBook[2] = 67.5
MATHBook[0] = 25.5
MATHBook[1] = 54.5
MECBook[0] = 65
MECBook[1] = 75.5
MECBook[2] = 86.8
sumCIS = 0
sumMATH = 0
sumMEC = 0
loop i from 0 to 2
sumCIS = sumCIS + CISBook[i]
end loop
loop i from 0 to 1
sumMATH = sumMATH + MATHBook[i]
end loop
loop i from 0 to 2
sumMEC = sumMEC + MECBook[i]
end loop
output "Total for CIS Books: Programming 1; Intro to Networking; Javascript"
loop i from 0 to 2
output CISBook[i]
end loop
output "Cost of CIS books: " + sumCIS
output "Total for Math Books: Calculus; Intro to Geometry"
loop i from 0 to 1
output MATHBook[i]
end loop
output "Cost of MATH books: " + sumMATH
output "Total for MEC Books: Statics; Intro to Ind. Process; Hydraulics and Pneumatics"
loop i from 0 to 2
output MECBook[i]
end loop
output "Cost of MEC books: " + sumMEC
output "Total sale amount is: " + sumCIS + sumMATH + sumMEC
output "20% paid by financial aid: "
output "Total amount student must pay: " + sumCIS + sumMATH + sumMEC - (sumCIS + sumMATH + sumMEC) * 0.2
end function
// C++ source code generated by Flowgorithm application
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// Headers
string toString (double);
int toInt (string);
double toDouble (string);
int main() {
vector<double> CISBook(3);
CISBook[0] = 55.5;
CISBook[1] = 35.8;
CISBook[2] = 67.5;
vector<double> MATHBook(2);
MATHBook[0] = 25.5;
MATHBook[1] = 54.5;
vector<double> MECBook(3);
MECBook[0] = 65;
MECBook[1] = 75.5;
MECBook[2] = 86.8;
double sumCIS;
sumCIS = 0;
double sumMATH;
sumMATH = 0;
double sumMEC;
sumMEC = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0 ; i <= 2 ; i += 1) {
sumCIS = sumCIS + CISBook[i];
for (i = 0 ; i <= 1 ; i += 1) {
sumMATH = sumMATH + MATHBook[i];
for (i = 0 ; i <= 2 ; i += 1) {
sumMEC = sumMEC + MECBook[i];
cout << "Total for CIS Books: Programming 1; Intro to
Networking; Javascript" << endl;
for (i = 0 ; i <= 2 ; i += 1) {
cout << CISBook[i] << endl;
cout << "Cost of CIS books: " << sumCIS <<
cout << "Total for Math Books: Calculus; Intro to Geometry"
<< endl;
for (i = 0 ; i <= 1 ; i += 1) {
cout << MATHBook[i] << endl;
cout << "Cost of MATH books: " << sumMATH <<
cout << "Total for MEC Books: Statics; Intro to Ind. Process;
Hydraulics and Pneumatics" << endl;
for (i = 0 ; i <= 2 ; i += 1) {
cout << MECBook[i] << endl;
cout << "Cost of MEC books: " << sumMEC <<
cout << "Total sale amount is: " << sumCIS + sumMATH +
sumMEC << endl;
cout << "20% paid by financial aid: " << endl;
cout << "Total amount student must pay: " << sumCIS +
sumMATH + sumMEC - (sumCIS + sumMATH + sumMEC) * 0.2 <<
// The following implements type conversion functions.
string toString (double value) { //int also
stringstream temp;
temp << value;
return temp.str();
int toInt (string text) {
return atoi(text.c_str());
double toDouble (string text) {
return atof(text.c_str());