
In: Computer Science

#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() {    int number_resistors;    double Resistors;    double series;...


using namespace std;

int main() {

   int number_resistors;

   double Resistors;

   double series;

   double parellel;

   cout << "how many resistors: ";

   cin >> number_resistors;

   while (number_resistors != 0)
       cout << "Enter the values of" << number_resistors << " resistors ";

       for (int i = 0; i < number_resistors; i++) {

           cin >> Resistors;

           series += Resistors;

               parellel += 1 / (Resistors);


       parellel = 1 / parellel;

       cout << "series resistance is " << series << endl;

       cout << "parellel resistance is " << parellel << endl;

       cout << "reenter the number of resistors and zero is not accepted " << endl;

       cin >> number_resistors;


   return 0;


my code is not working and i not know why


Expert Solution


using namespace std;

int main() {

   int number_resistors;
   double Resistors;
   double series;
   double parellel;

   cout << "how many resistors: ";
   cin >> number_resistors;

   while (number_resistors != 0)
       series = 0;
       parellel = 0;
       cout << "Enter the values of " << number_resistors << " resistors ";
       for (int i = 0; i < number_resistors; i++) {
           cin >> Resistors;
           series += Resistors;
           parellel += (1 / (Resistors));

       cout << "series resistance is " << series << endl;
       cout << "parellel resistance is " << parellel << endl;
       cout << "reenter the number of resistors and zero is not accepted " << endl;
       cin >> number_resistors;
   return 0;

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