In: Nursing
Surface acting is a fake emotions expressed by a person in some
situations to fulfill certain rules and satisfy others.
Deep acting is a feeling expressed through emotions that come from
ming by own thinking to fulfill other needs.
As a caregiver surface, acting due to more burnout and stress
sometimes we can not fulfill patient needs, we will not understand
person emotional situation and there will be negative emotions and
feelings that will be shown to others. So care receiver can not
cope better in the future. As a caregiver surface acting caused by
emotional exhaustion. whereas deep acting express out inner feeling
to meet the needs of the person it provides unintentional care and
provides positive thinking as their own.
Example: while providing care for elder people in homes for their
daily activities caregiver overburden and stress sometimes cause
surface acting and it will show our harmful behavior to elder
patients, it will not be real care. but we provide care without
understanding their real problem and needs, it causes patient
dissatisfaction and negative outcome.