Sy guy I cant find subject to put this, so I put under Psychology. The subject:...

Sy guy I cant find subject to put this, so I put under Psychology.

The subject: culture and diversity

Discuss why Singaporean Standard English and Singlish are both important in Singapore. Using examples, analyze this question using key anthropological concepts on language. You should also apply your knowledge of the linguistic environment in Singapore and provide examples to support your answer.

In: Psychology

So if you took a baby from a non-literate culture and raised it in a literate...

So if you took a baby from a non-literate culture and raised it in a literate culture, would the baby progress at the same rate as those in the literate culture?

In: Psychology

Given specified circumstances of an employment relationship, determine the circumstances under which an employer is liable...

Given specified circumstances of an employment relationship, determine the circumstances under which an employer is liable to an employee for employment discrimination or wrongful discharge.

FACTS: Minnie and Daisy both sue the School of Prof Arts and Professor Goofy for discrimination and further, for liability for their injuries (the stabbing damages Minnie's son sustained when Professor Goofy did not stop a fight and the damages to Daisy’s son’s health from watching the stabbing.) You are one of the board of directors for the School of Prof Arts and you need to analyze the liability of Professor Goofy, and any liability the School of Prof Arts has to Professor Goofy. Professor Goofy claims his firing was illegal because it was based on his being a convicted felon. His contract with the School of Prof Arts provides him with defense coverage for any acts he takes while working for the School of Prof Arts. Limit your answer to Professor Goofy's liability and the School of Prof Arts's liability to Professor Goofy for any illegal firing.

In: Psychology

You are on holiday in Bali with your spouse and 18-year-old son. You have been there...

You are on holiday in Bali with your spouse and 18-year-old son. You have been there for a week and are ready to head home. All three of you are at the airport getting ready to board your plane, when an armed officer comes around with a sniffer dog. You have all your bags on a trolley. The dog passes by the bags of you and your spouse, but begins barking when it reaches your sons' bag.

Your son appears obviously anxious. A year ago he had a problem with prescription drugs but has since turned his life around. At first you feel angry that he would do such a thing and start planning your responsibility lecture, but then you realize that you are in Bali, and they have a zero-tolerance policy on drugs, meaning your son could be jailed for life, or worse, executed, if he does have some illicit materials in his bag. You look at your spouse and realize they have come to the same conclusion and has gone pale with fear.

The armed officer accompanying the dog finds a baggie of drugs in your sons' bag. The officer looks at you and asks “Whose bag is this?”

Should you save your son and claim the bag is yours?

In: Psychology

summarize in your own words adapting to 'living-dying” (Elisabeth kubler Ross model the 5 stages of...

summarize in your own words adapting to 'living-dying” (Elisabeth kubler Ross model the 5 stages of grief) and apply in your own life (personal experiences or observations).

In: Psychology

Match the following passages with the fallacy committed. Only one instance of a fallacy is used(False...

Match the following passages with the fallacy committed. Only one instance of a fallacy is used(False DilemmaImproper,Appeal to Authority,Post Hoc,Appeal to Ignorance,Hasty Generalization,or Two Wrongs)

1.As a scientist, I base my science on a combination of things. One is observation. I've seen aliens and alien technology with my own eyes so I know there is life on other planets.

2.You can't apply the scientific method to evolution. It's never been observed. You can't repeat the experiment.

3.Who should the U.S. support in the Mid East crisis? The Israelis or the Arab states?

4.We polled everyone in the cafeteria yesterday and found out that 72% of the student body believes the local newspaper is bias in its reporting.

5.If the police aren't going to do anything about the crimes, then we citizens are just going to take matters into our own hands and deal with the criminals in our own way!

In: Psychology

W.E.B. Du Bois identifies two distinct ethical tendencies generated by the Black-American experience during the aftermath...

W.E.B. Du Bois identifies two distinct ethical tendencies generated by the Black-American experience during the aftermath of the Civil War, and he refers to them as “the writhing of the age in black.” What are these ethical tendencies, how do they relate to the modern narrative of progress, and why do they pose a problem for “modernity?”

In: Psychology

Discuss how we form opinions of others. How do we attempt to manage and control their...

Discuss how we form opinions of others. How do we attempt to manage and control their opinions of us?

In: Psychology

Explain what a fallacy is. What kind of mistake is someone making when they commit an...

Explain what a fallacy is. What kind of mistake is someone making when they commit an informal fallacy in an argument?

In: Psychology

In what ways and why have women and girl offenders traditionally been treated differently from men...

In what ways and why have women and girl offenders traditionally been treated differently from men and boys in the criminal justice system?  

In: Psychology

What about the "Setting" in Harry Potter and the Sorecer's Stone? Consider the wolrd as presented...

What about the "Setting" in Harry Potter and the Sorecer's Stone? Consider the wolrd as presented by the author. Does setting have a significant impact on your response to the book?

In: Psychology

Compare the following terms in two or three sentences. Please provide examples if appropriate sensation versus...

Compare the following terms in two or three sentences. Please provide examples if appropriate

sensation versus perception

Perceptual adaptation versus perceptual set

Unconditioned stimulus versus conditioned stimulus

Positive reinforcement versus negative reinforcement

Short term versus long term memory

Encoding versus retrieval

Automatic versus effortful processing

Mirror neurons versus modeling

In: Psychology

How does society’s view of the female body affect a pregnant woman and her partner’s view...

How does society’s view of the female body affect a pregnant woman and her partner’s view of her changing body and their expressions of sexuality with each other?

In: Psychology

Forensic Psychology: Family Law and Civil Litigation Child Custody Evaluation When a court is asked to...

Forensic Psychology: Family Law and Civil Litigation

Child Custody Evaluation

When a court is asked to look into matters of the custody of a child, what assessments are used and what are their purposes?

What does the 'best interest of the child' mean? Please explain in depth.

What is the thought behind having the child having participate in the issue of their custody?

In: Psychology

Explain the prisoners’ dilemma in relation to Hobbes’ social contract theory. Be sure to explain why...

Explain the prisoners’ dilemma in relation to Hobbes’ social contract theory. Be sure to explain why a government or enforcer is needed, and be sure to explain the role of rational self-interest in the formation of a contract. Be sure to explain BOTH the prisoners’ dilemma and Hobbes’ theory including the state of nature. 10. Explain how social contract theory differs from cultural relativism. Also explain how the two theories would handle cases of the civil disobedience of some minority group (race, gender, economic, etc).

In: Psychology