In: Psychology
How would you, as a job interviewer analyze a candidate`s potentials, capability, dedication, attention to details? I think these are factors that should be included during the interview and discussed with professional references. It is easy for someone to stretch the truth, so I think it would be difficult to rely on the self-evaluation of the interviewee. What other sources would you use to learn more about a job applicant?
I think as a job interviewer, it becomes one's duty to select the best candidate for a given position in the company. Screening and scrutinization of potential candidates thus become important for a job interviewer. At one's job, it is extremely important to have the required set of abilities to function in the appropriate way and manner. The appropriate candidate can be selected with the help of psychological tests. A person not only comes to work with a given set of abilities but also with his or her personality. So, analyzing a person as a whole becomes important, which can only be done in an unbiased manner, via psychological tests. Self-evaluation of the interviewee can be biased. A person may hide significant facts about himself or herself when asked to make evaluations. So, latent or hidden characteristics of an individual can be explored via psychological tests. Psychological tests help in the examination of mental faculties of a candidate, his personality and neurological functioning. Psychological tests are an objective and standardized means of measuring a sample of behaviour. There are various kinds of psychological tests like neuropsychological tests, aptitude tests, personality tests, etc. A combination of these psychological tests can be employed to examine a person, as a whole. Apart from psychological tests, feedback about the potential candidate's behaviour and performance in the previous company can be obtained, to make a judgement about him or her.