
In: Computer Science

Consider the following three tables, primary and foreign keys. Table Name        SalesPeople Attribute Name                  &nbsp

Consider the following three tables, primary and foreign keys.

Table Name        SalesPeople

Attribute Name                                Type                                      Key Type

EmployeeNumber             Number                               Primary Key

Name                                   Character

JobTitle                                  Character           

Address                                 Character

PhoneNumber                     Character

YearsInPosition                             Number

Table Name        ProductDescription

Attribute Name                                Type                                      Key Type

                ProductNumber                Number                               Primary Key

                ProductName                  Character           

                ProductPrice                   Number

Table Name        SalesOrder

Attribute Name                                Type                                      Key Type

                SalesOrderNumber        Number                               Primary Key

                ProductNumber               Number                               Foreign Key

                EmployeeNumber           Number                               Foreign Key

                SalesOrderDate                Date

Assume that you draw up a new sales order for each product sold.

Develop the following queries in SQL:

a.       All the Sales People with less than four years in position.

b.      All the Product Names sold on April 4th.

c.       All the Products sold by Sales People less than 3 years in the position.


Expert Solution


a.All the Sales People with less than four years in the position.

Select * from SalesPeople where YearsInPosition < 4;
/* This command will list down all the Sales People with less than four years in position*/

b.All the Product Names sold on April 4th.

Select so.SalesOrderDate, pd.ProductName from SalesOrder so
join ProductDescription pd on pd.ProductNumber = so.ProductNumber
where so.SalesOrderDate like '04/04%';

/* This command will list down all the Product Names sold on April 4th */

c.All the Products sold by Sales People less than 3 years in the position.

Select so.ProductNumber, sp.Name, so.SalesOrderNumber, sp.YearsInPosition from SalesOrder so
join SalesPeople sp on sp.EmployeeNumber = so.EmployeeNumber
where sp.YearsInPosition < 3 order by sp.Name;

/* This command will list down all the Products sold by Sales People less than 3 years in the position.*/

Let me know in case if you have any doubts. Thanks and All the best.

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