In: Computer Science
Problem 1. Please create the following tables for a tool rental database with appropriate primary keys & foreign keys. [30 points]
The list of tables is:
Cust Table:
cid, -- customer id
cname, --- customer name
cphone, --- customer phone
cemail, --- customer email
Category table:
ctid, --- category id
ctname, --- category name
parent, --- parent category id since category has a hierarchy structure, power washers, electric power washers, gas power washers. You can assume that there are only two levels.
tid, --- tool id
tname, --- tool name
ctid, --- category id, the bottom level.
quantity, --- number of this tools
Time_unit table allowed renting unit
tuid, --- time unit id
len, --- length of period, can be 1 hour, 1 day, etc.
min_len, --- minimal #of time unit, e.g., hourly rental but minimal 4 hours.
tid, --- tool id
tuid, --- time unit id
price, -- price per period
rid, --- rental id
cid, --- customer id
tid, --- tool id
tuid, --- time unit id
num_unit, --- number of time unit of rental, e.g., if num_unit = 5 and unit is hourly, it means 5 hours.
start_time, -- rental start time
end_time, --- suppose rental end_time
return_time, --- time to return the tool
credit_card, --- credit card number
total, --- total charge
Syntax for creating database
create database tool;
Syntax for selecting database
use tool_rental;
Syntax for creating Customer Table
create table cust_table(cid int NOT NULL,cname varchar(30),cphone varchar(11),cemail varchar(100), PRIMARY KEY(cid));
Syntax for creating Category table
create table category_table(ctid int NOT NULL,ctname varchar(50),parent varchar(50),primary key(ctid));
Syntax for Tool table
create table tool(tid int not null,tname varchar(50),ctid int not null, quantity int, primary key(tid),foreign key(ctid) references category_table(ctid));
Syntax for Time Unit table
create table time_unit(tuid int not null,len_hours int,min_len int, primary key(tuid));
Syntax for Tool price table
create table tool_price(tid int not null,tuid int not null,price float,foreign key(tid) references tool(tid),foreign key(tuid)references time_unit(tuid));
Syntax for Rental Table
create table rental(rid int not null,cid int not null,tid int not null,num_unit int,start_time datetime,end_time datetime,return_time datetime,creadit_card int,total int,primary key(rid),foreign key(cid) references cust_table(cid),foreign key(tid) references tool(tid));