
In: Economics

What are the most common reasons women do not report and sexual assault?

What are the most common reasons women do not report and sexual assault? What laws are there in your state to protect rape victims when it comes to testifying in court and possible repercussions from their attackers?


Expert Solution

Some of the most common reasons that women do not report sexual assault are as follows: -

1)Existing Patriarchal Narrative in Society

Women fear that their accusations will not be taken seriously and fear losing respect and social standing, especially if the rapist is older, more powerful or well respected in the community.

2)Victim shaming

Women fear that they will be humiliated either by family, the police (when they go to report the crime), friends, colleagues or society in general.

3)Fear for life and safety due to potential retaliation

If strict action is not taken immediately to provide protections to women who report cases of sexual assault (which is often the case), there exists a legitimate risk of retaliation from the rapist whether it maybe in the form of physical danger to the victim or social danger in the form of slutshaming.

4)Failure of institutions

An extremely small number of rape cases ever actually get registered as rape cases since multiple forms of rape like marital rape are not considered to be rape in the eyes of the law. Our justice systems have failed in delivering justice to rape victims for decades which has created a feeling of hopelessness.


Under California’s rape shield law, a defendant in a rape case is not allowed to introduce evidence about the alleged victim’s past sexual conduct in order to prove that she (or he) consented to the sexual act.

California’s witness protection program is called the California Witness Relocation and Assistance Program (CalWRAP). CalWRAP is a state-level program that reimburses local law enforcement agencies for costs associated with witness relocation and protection where “credible evidence exists of a substantial danger that a witness may suffer intimidation or retaliatory violence. Rape victims can take part in this program to protect themselves from further retaliation.

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