In: Nursing
benign prostatic hypertrophy is characterized by progressive enlargement of the prostate gland (commonly seen in men older than age 50), causing varying degrees of urethral obstruction and restriction of urinary flow.
urinary incontinence related to weak pelvic floor musculature and tissue atrophy as evidenced by patient cannot control maturation, get wet before reaching to toilet.
Expected outcome
• Remain dry between voidings and at night.
• Demonstrate improved perineal muscle strength.
• Regain and maintain perineal skin integrity.
• Return to his previous level of social activity.
Nursing Interventions
• Teach how to identify pelvic floor muscles and how to
Kegel exercises.
Avoid caffeinated drinks like tea coffee
• Suggest drinking decaffeinated tea and noncitrus fruit
(grape, apple, and cranberry).
• Encourage to minimize fluid intake after evening meal.
• Change afternoon dose of furosemide from 9:00 P.M. to 3:00
Acute pain
May be related to:
Possibly evidenced by:
Risk for Fluid Volume Deficiency
May be related to: