In: Psychology
what are characteristics of millennial in terms of music and fashion
Millennials refers to the generation of people born between the early 1980s and 1990s. The generation of millennials is known as 'Generation Y'.
Millennials have been percieved negatively by some as lazy and narcissistic, with the tendency to quickly switch from one job to another. As compared to 'Generation X' (generation of people born between 1962 and 1981), Generation Y has been perceived as less concerned about civics and politics, attaching less importance to helping their community and being more self-centered and materialistic.
Millennials have also been percieved positively, as being the most racially and ethnically diverse generation. They are the first generation, who have access to and use infinite number of technological platforms to express themselves, and grow and develop. They are the largest and the most influential lot, when it comes to consumption and employment. They consider people they identify with, as their inspiration.
They are able to cultivate love for something as harmonious as music, art and creativity. They make music their strength in difficult times and passion to stay alive for. Music helps them to overcome sadness, depression and help in nurturing happiness in their lives. They listen to music to lessen aggression and become calm and composed. Via music, Millennials express emotions and release all negativity stored inside.
Millennials are fashionable. The social media savviness of millennials have lead to fashion brands (like Forever 21 and Zara) to dominate their brand preference lists. Millennials have access to social media, which keep them close to fashion. Fasion has become a significant part of their lifestyles. Fasion gives them confidence to begin the day and work with positivity, and help them to be productive in their areas of expertise.