
In: Computer Science

Write a solution to return the count of the number of nodes in a binary tree....

Write a solution to return the count of the number of nodes in a binary tree. Your method will be passed one parameter, a copy of a pointer to the root node of the tree (Node *) and will return an int that is the count of nodes. If the tree is empty, return 0 (this is the recursive base case).


Expert Solution


//The number of nodes in Binary tree will be the sum of number of nodes of left subtree plus the number of nodes in //right subtree

int count_recursive(Node *root)


    int count = 0;

    if (root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL)


        count = 0; // if empty it will return 0




        if (root->left != NULL)


            count += count_recursive(root->left); //Recursive Call for left subtree


        if (root->right != NULL)


            count += count_recursive(root->right); //Recursive call for right subtree



    return count;


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