
In: Psychology

Which of the two ethical philosophies studied so far is more plausible, reasonable, and/or wise in...

Which of the two ethical philosophies studied so far is more plausible, reasonable, and/or wise in your opinion, and why? (< 200 words, 5 points)


Expert Solution

According to my personal opinions, i feel that the most plausible, reasonable, and/or wise philosophies/ theories are-

Deontology and Virtue Ethics.

1- Deontology or Kantian Ethics by Imanuel Kant is the facets entirely based on the "Sense of duty or sense of responsibility".

This seems to be a far better perspective than utilitarianism as it may lead to unethical/ immoral aspects in the desire to achieve the "greatest good".

"Categorial imperative" is a kind of a maxim by Kant that further enriches "Deontology" through the assertion "Do/ act unto others the way you feel the others should act/ do towards you and thus there's a sense of reciprocation".

2- Virtue Ethics by Aristotle reflect the significance of the life in a pretty "Balanced" manner. Therefore, Aristotle presents the need to be with "a mean" which is the exact balanced and ideal state between the two extremes "Defeciency" and "Extreme".

The life with actions denoting "the Mean" transforms and cultivates "a person's character".

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