In: Computer Science
In your OWN words explain in detail the role of an operating system and list the main operating systems used on today’s computers.
Q: Explain in detail the role of an operating system
Operating System: it is an interface between Hardware and user of the system.
There are various roles of an operating system.
Memory Management: OS does the management of the main memory(RAM). it keeps tracks of which portion of memory are filled and empty. it allocates memory to process when it requests. paging and segmentation are some techniques used by the OS to manage memory.
Process Management: program in running is known as a process. it allocates process to CPU for execution. various CPU scheduling algorithms like FIFO, Round-Robin and SJF etc are used for it.
Device Management: OS manages the communication with Input and Output devices with the help of device drivers. OS tracks all the devices used in the system.
File Management: OS keeps tracks of information of file like name, type, modify, etc. it allocates and deallocates resources to a file.
Security: OS provide security to the user by passwords, biometric or face recognization, etc. it provides authentication and authorization to the user.
Q: list the main operating systems used on today’s computers.