
In: Computer Science

Write a script that prompts the user for a pathname of a file or directory and...

  1. Write a script that prompts the user for a pathname of a file or directory and then responds with a description of the item as a file along with what the user's permissions are with respect to it (read, write, execute).


Expert Solution

Please find the bash script and execution screenshots below.

I have added all the comments for your better understanding.

#reading file/directory path upto its name into path variable

echo -n "Enter your file name or file path or directory name/path: "
read path 

#checking whether file / directory exists or not
#if its present then we will print corresponding permissions
if [ -f "$path" ] || [ -d "$path" ]; then
    echo "$path exists."
    #checking for write permission
  [ -w $path ] && W="Permission_to_Write = yes" || W="Permission_to_Write = No"
  #checking for execute permission
  [ -x $path ] && X="Permission_to_Execute = yes" || X="Permission_to_Execute = No" 
  #checking for read permission
  [ -r $path ] && R="Permission_to_Read = yes" || R="Permission_to_Read = No" 
echo -e "$path permissions : \n $W \n $R \n $X"

#if path is invalid then we will print does not exist
    echo "$path does not exist in the given path."

For file name abc.txt:

for directory: jjdj

for nested path: jjdj/x

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