
In: Computer Science

Please write a shell script called "myfilechecking" to determine whether a file belongs to one of...

Please write a shell script called "myfilechecking" to determine whether a file belongs to one of the following categories:

  • A directory;
  • A scrip file (readable and executable);
  • An executable file (not readable but executable, such as a.out);
  • A regular ascii file (only readable, such as a C source code file);
  • The file cannot be recognized.

  • Your script should display the corresponding information based on the category of the file;
  • The file name should be provided along with your script invocation, such as "./myfilechecking a.out" will display "a.out is an executable file."
  • If the file name is not provided by users, your script should indicate the problem and then terminate its execution.

  • Please test your script on our server to make sure it works properly and displays the information as required;

  • Please include the screenshot of your script along with the screenshot of the execution of your script below:

The screenshot of the script:

The screenshot of the execution of the script:

can you please paste the script code? Thank you


Expert Solution

Note : As mentioned in question when we use script with a.out it should give output as "a.out is an executable file." But It will show "a.out is a script file" because in linux system it is showing as readable also as shown below

[vishalh@param-demo openmp-codes]$ ls -al a.out
-rwxrwxr-x 1 vishalh vishalh 8448 Oct 16 22:49 a.out


if [  ! -e $1  ]; then
   echo "$1 does not exits."
    if [ -d $1 ]; then
     echo "$1 is a directory."

    if [ -r $1 -a -x $1 -a ! -d $1  ]; then
      echo "$1 is a script file."

    if [ ! -r $1 -a -x $1 -a ! -d $1   ]; then
     echo "$1 is a executable file."
    if [ -r $1 -a ! -d $1  -a ! -x $1  ]; then
      echo "$1 is a reular ascii file."

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