In: Operations Management
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Equality and liberty are closely related to each other. There is no value of liberty in the absence of equality at any place. Equality and liberty are the same conditions which viewed from different angles. Liberty has no significance in the absence of economic equality or quality. According to John Stuart Mill, liberty and equality are complementary to each other. Both the equality and liberty concepts are closely associated with the idea of development of the capabilities of an individual. Liberty implies a social environment to every person where they can freely develop their abilities and this social environment means the atmosphere of equality. For example if society is marked by the presence of equality and disparities, it becomes impossible to establish liberty there.
Yes, fairness demands economic sameness but fairness not only demands economic sameness. Economic sameness means tackling discrimination and reduces the inequality by narrowing the gaps between rich and poor people. Fairness means making judgments that are free from being biased. Economic sameness can be one of the demands of fairness but only one because people want fairness in every aspect. Fairness is a broader term and economic sameness is the part of it. For example if two people done same work then both get the same reward or increment. People are fine with inequality in economic sameness, as long as it was fair. For example, if one person did more work than the other person, then it is quite comfortable for the other person that first person received more reward than him.