
In: Computer Science

Consider the following class definition: class circle                                  &nb

  • Consider the following class definition:

    class circle                                                       class cylinder: public circle
    {                                                                      {
    public:                                                             public:
    void print() const;                                           void print() const;
    void setRadius(double);                                  void setHeight(double);
    void setCenter(double, double);                     double getHeight();
    void getCenter(double&, double&);               double volume();
    double getRadius();                                        double area();
    double area(); circle();                                     cylinder();
    circle(double, double, double);                       cylinder(double, double,
    double, double);
    private:                                                private:
    double xCoordinate;                                       double height;
    double yCoordinate;                         }
    double radius;

    Suppose that you have the declaration:
    cylinder newCylinder;

  1. Write the definitions of the member functions of the classes circle and cylinder. Identify the member functions of the class cylinder that overrides the member functions of the class circle.


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class circle   
void print() const;
void setRadius(double);
void setCenter(double, double);
void getCenter(double&, double&);   
double getRadius();   
double area();
circle(double, double, double);   
double xCoordinate;
double yCoordinate;
double radius;

void circle::print() const
   cout<<"\n Circle radius = "<<radius << " at ("<<xCoordinate<<","<<yCoordinate<<")" ;
void circle::setRadius(double radius )
   this->radius = radius;
void circle::setCenter(double x, double y)
   xCoordinate = x;
   yCoordinate = y;
void circle::getCenter(double &x, double &y)
   x = xCoordinate;
   y = yCoordinate;
double circle::getRadius()
   return radius;
double circle::area()
   return 3.14*radius*radius;
circle::circle(double radius, double x, double y)
   this->radius = radius;
   xCoordinate = x;
   yCoordinate = y;

class cylinder: public circle
    void print() const;
    void setHeight(double);
    double getHeight();
    double volume();
    double area();
    cylinder(double, double,double, double);
    double height;

void cylinder::print() const // override function
    cout<<"\n Height = "<< height;
    void cylinder::setHeight(double height)
        this->height = height;
    double cylinder::getHeight()
        return height;
    double cylinder::volume()
        return area() * height;
    double cylinder::area() // override function
       return 2*3.14 * getRadius()*(getRadius() + height);
    cylinder::cylinder(double radius, double x, double y, double height) : circle(radius,x,y)
       this->height = height;
int main() {
   cylinder newCylinder(5.6,4.5,6.7,8.6);
   cout<<"\nArea = "<<newCylinder.area();
   cout<<"\nVolume = "<<newCylinder.volume();
   return 0;


Circle radius = 5.6 at (4.5,6.7)
Height = 8.6
Area = 499.386
Volume = 4294.72

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