
In: Computer Science

Write a java class called circle that represents a circle. It should have following three fields:...

Write a java class called circle that represents a circle. It should have following three fields:
int x (x-coordinate), int y (y-coordinate), double radius (radius of the circle). Your circle object should have following methods:
public int getRadius ()
public int getX ()
public int getY ()
public double area ()
public double perimeter()
public String toString()
write a client program called CircleClient that creates objects of the circle class called c1 and c2. Assign values to the fields when you create these objects using the constructor. Print out these circle object using toString method.


Expert Solution

Dear Student ,

As per the requirement submitted above , kindly find the below solution.

Below java classes are created. :

//Java class
public class circle {
   // fields
   private int x;
   private int y;
   private double radius;
   public circle(int x,int y,double radius)
   // method to return radius
   public double getRadius() {
       return this.radius;// return radius

   // method to return x -coordinate
   public int getX() {
       return this.x;// return x

   // method to return y -coordinate
   public int getY() {
       return this.y;// return y
   //method to calculate area of circle
   public double area ()
       //return area of circle
       return Math.PI*getRadius()*getRadius();
   //method to return perimeter
   public double perimeter()
       //return perimeter
       return 2*Math.PI*getRadius();
   //toString() method
   public String toString()
       //return area of circle and perimeter
       return "Area : "+String.format("%.2f", this.area())+", Perimeter :"+String.format("%.2f",this.perimeter());


**************************** :

//Java class
public class CircleClient {

   //entry point of program , main method
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       //creating object of circle class
       circle c1=new circle (5,6,7);
       circle c2=new circle (7,8,9);
       System.out.println(c1.toString());//print c1 details
       System.out.println(c2.toString());//print c2 details   




Output : Compile and Run to get the screen as shown below

Screen 1


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