
In: Computer Science

Note- can you rewrite the code in C++. Circle Class c++ code Write a circle class...

Note- can you rewrite the code in C++.

Circle Class c++ code Write a circle class that has the following member variables:

• radius: a double

• pi: a double initialized with the value 3.14159

The class should have the following member functions:

• Default Constructor. A default constructor that sets radius to 0.0.

• Constructor. Accepts the radius of the circle as an argument

. • setRadius. A mutator function for the radius variable.

• getRadius. An acccssor function for the radius variable

. • getArea. Returns the area of the circle, which is calculated as

area = pi * radius * radius

• getDiameter. Returns the diameter of the circle, which is calculated as

diameter = radius * 2

• getcircumforence. Returns the circumference of the circle, which is calculated as

circumference = 2 * pi * radius

Write a program that demonstrates the circle class by asking the user for the circle's radius, creating a circle object, and then reporting the circle's area, diameter, and circumference.


Expert Solution


Here is the code with a Circle class with appropriate attributes, constructors, and other functions to calculate area, diameter, circumference, etc.

also, in the main function , user is asked for the radius and the circle object is created and the details are printed.


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Circle
double radius;
double pi = 3.14159;
radius = 0.0;
Circle(double radius)
this->radius = radius;
void setRadius(double r)
radius = r;
double getRadius()
return radius;
double getArea()
double area = pi*radius*radius;
return area;
double getDiameter()
double diameter = radius*2;
return diameter;
double getCircumference()
double circumference = 2*pi*radius;
return circumference;
int main()
double radius;
cout<<"Enter radius: ";
Circle c(radius);
cout<<"Area: "<<c.getArea()<<endl;
cout<<"Diameter: "<<c.getDiameter()<<endl;
cout<<"Circumference: "<<c.getCircumference()<<endl;

return 0;



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