In: Computer Science
Develop and pseudocode for the code below:
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include "CSVparser.hpp"
using namespace std;
// Global definitions visible to all methods and classes
// forward declarations
double strToDouble(string str, char ch);
// define a structure to hold bid information
struct Bid {
string bidId; // unique identifier
string title;
string fund;
double amount;
Bid() {
amount = 0.0;
// Static methods used for testing
* Display the bid information to the console (std::out)
* @param bid struct containing the bid info
void displayBid(Bid bid) {
cout << bid.bidId << ": " << bid.title << "
| " << bid.amount << " | "
<< << endl;
* Prompt user for bid information using console (std::in)
* @return Bid struct containing the bid info
Bid getBid() {
Bid bid;
cout << "Enter Id: ";
getline(cin, bid.bidId);
cout << "Enter title: ";
getline(cin, bid.title);
cout << "Enter fund: ";
cin >>;
cout << "Enter amount: ";
string strAmount;
getline(cin, strAmount);
bid.amount = strToDouble(strAmount, '$');
return bid;
* Load a CSV file containing bids into a container
* @param csvPath the path to the CSV file to load
* @return a container holding all the bids read
vector<Bid> loadBids(string csvPath) {
cout << "Loading CSV file " << csvPath <<
// Define a vector data structure to hold a collection of
vector<Bid> bids;
// initialize the CSV Parser using the given path
csv::Parser file = csv::Parser(csvPath);
try {
// loop to read rows of a CSV file
for (int i = 0; i < file.rowCount(); i++) {
// Create a data structure and add to the collection of
Bid bid;
bid.bidId = file[i][1];
bid.title = file[i][0]; = file[i][8];
bid.amount = strToDouble(file[i][4], '$');
//cout << "Item: " << bid.title << ", Fund: " << << ", Amount: " << bid.amount << endl;
// push this bid to the end
} catch (csv::Error &e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
return bids;
// FIXME (2a): Implement the quick sort logic over bid.title
* Partition the vector of bids into two parts, low and high
* @param bids Address of the vector<Bid> instance to be
* @param begin Beginning index to partition
* @param end Ending index to partition
int partition(vector<Bid>& bids, int begin, int end)
int l = begin;
int h = end;
int pivot = (begin + (end - begin) / 2);
bool finished = false;
// this while loops continually increments the low point as long
as it's below the pivot
// then continually decrements the high point as long as it's above
the pivot
while(!finished) {
while(bids[l][pivot].title) < 0) {
while(bids[pivot][h].title) < 0) {
if (l >= h) {
finished = true;
// if variable l is not greater than or equal to h the two bids are
} else {
swap(bids[l] , bids[h]);
//bring end points closer to one another
return h;
* Perform a quick sort on bid title
* Average performance: O(n log(n))
* Worst case performance O(n^2))
* @param bids address of the vector<Bid> instance to be
* @param begin the beginning index to sort on
* @param end the ending index to sort on
void quickSort(vector<Bid>& bids, int begin, int end)
// FIXME (1a): Implement the selection sort logic over bid.title
* Perform a selection sort on bid title
* Average performance: O(n^2))
* Worst case performance O(n^2))
* @param bid address of the vector<Bid>
* instance to be sorted
void selectionSort(vector<Bid>& bids) {
// this creates an index to the smallest minimum bid found
unsigned int smallest;
unsigned int largest = bids.size();
// place designates the position at which bids are
for (unsigned place = 0; place < largest; ++place) {
smallest = place;
for (unsigned j = place + 1; j < largest; ++j) {
if (bids[j][smallest].title) < 0) {
smallest = j;
if (smallest != place)
swap(bids[place], bids[smallest]);
* Simple C function to convert a string to a double
* after stripping out unwanted char
* credit:
* @param ch The character to strip out
double strToDouble(string str, char ch) {
str.erase(remove(str.begin(), str.end(), ch), str.end());
return atof(str.c_str());
* The one and only main() method
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// process command line arguments
string csvPath;
switch (argc) {
case 2:
csvPath = argv[1];
csvPath = "eBid_Monthly_Sales_Dec_2016.csv";
// Define a vector to hold all the bids
vector<Bid> bids;
// Define a timer variable
clock_t ticks;
int choice = 0;
while (choice != 9) {
cout << "Menu:" << endl;
cout << " 1. Load Bids" << endl;
cout << " 2. Display All Bids" << endl;
cout << " 3. Selection Sort All Bids" << endl;
cout << " 4. Quick Sort All Bids" << endl;
cout << " 9. Exit" << endl;
cout << "Enter choice: ";
cin >> choice;
switch (choice) {
case 1:
// Initialize a timer variable before loading bids
ticks = clock();
// Complete the method call to load the bids
bids = loadBids(csvPath);
cout << bids.size() << " bids read" << endl;
// Calculate elapsed time and display result
ticks = clock() - ticks; // current clock ticks minus starting
clock ticks
cout << "time: " << ticks << " clock ticks"
<< endl;
cout << "time: " << ticks * 1.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC
<< " seconds" << endl;
case 2:
// Loop and display the bids read
for (int i = 0; i < bids.size(); ++i) {
cout << endl;
// FIXME (1b): Invoke the selection sort and report timing
ticks = clock();
// call selectionSort method to sort the loaded bids
cout << bids.size() << " bids read" << endl;
// Calculate elapsed time and display result
ticks = clock() - ticks; // current clock ticks minus starting
clock ticks
cout << "time: " << ticks << " clock ticks"
<< endl;
cout << "time: " << ticks * 1.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC
<< " seconds" << endl;
// FIXME (2b): Invoke the quick sort and report timing results
ticks = clock();
// call quickSort method to sort the loaded bids
quickSort(bids, 0, bids.size() - 1);
cout << bids.size() << " bids read" << endl;
// Calculate elapsed time and display result
ticks = clock() - ticks; // current clock ticks minus starting
clock ticks
cout << "time: " << ticks << " clock ticks"
<< endl;
cout << "time: " << ticks * 1.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC
<< " seconds" << endl;
cout << "Good bye." << endl;
return 0;
Define a Structure to declare variable bidId as string, title as string, fund as string, amount as double.
Set amount=0.0
Display the whole Structure.
Take input from user for bidId, title, fund, amount.
Display the values of bidId, title, fund, amount.
Load CSV file using CSV path.
Define a vector data structure using the given CSV path.
Initialize the CSV parser using the given CSV path.
For i from 0 to (no. of rows in the file)
Declare a variable bid.
Set bid.bidId=file[i][1],
bid.amount=strToDouble(file[i][4], 'S').
Display Item by bid.title, Fund by, Amount by bid.amount.
Push the bid to the end.
End for.
Partition the vector of bids into two parts, low and high.
Set low= begin,
high= end.
Calculate the Pivot element by
pivot=(begin + ( end - begin)/2)
Set finished= false.
While there is no finished
compare title<0
increment low by 1.
decrement high by 1.
End while.
If low>=high
Set finished = true.
increment low by 1.
decrement high by 1.
End if.
Return high.
Perform Quick sort on bid.title.
Perform Selection sort on bid.title.
Declare variable smallest and largest as unsigned int, and place and j as unsigned.
Store the bid.size() in largest.
For place from 0 to largest
Set smallest = place.
For j from (place + 1) to largest
If smallest<0
Set smallest = j.
End if.
End for.
If smallest not equals to place
Swap place and smallest
End if.
End for.
End Selection sort.
Convert a string to a double.
Return the string.
Define main method.
Declare csvPath as string.
Use a Switch case on argc
case1: csvPath = argv[1]
default: show message.
End switch case.
Define a vector to hold all the bids.
Define a timer variable ticks as clock_t.
Set an integer variable choice.
Set choice = 0.
While choice not equals to 9
Print Menu.
Print Option1: Load bids.
Print Option2: Display All Bids.
Print Option3: Selection sort all bids.
Print Option4: Quick sort all bids.
Print Option9:exit.
Take input from user for the variable choice.
Apply Switch case on choice
case1: set timer variable as ticks = clock()
complete the method call to load the bids.
display the size of the bids.
calculate ticks = clock() - ticks
display time in clock ticks.
display time in seconds.
case2: for i from 0 to bids.size
display bids[i].
end for.
call Selection sort function.
display bids.size.
calculate elapsed time ticks = clock() - ticks.
display time in clock ticks.
display time in seconds.
End of Switch case.
Display "good bye" message.